Fair Furlong Primary


Essential Award
Physical Activity Specialist Award

About the school's work

Essential Award: 22 June 2022 to 22 June 2025

Congratulations to Fair Furlong Primary on achieving the Essential Award!

The school’s submission was very strong. The school demonstrated good practice across a range of areas, but particularly in relation to physical activity and food and nutrition.

The school has paid commendable attention to ensuring there are healthier options at their school breakfast club as well as considering the school’s environmental impact.

Fair Furlong Primary regularly participates in the Pupil Voice Survey and monitors their pupil and staff health and wellbeing needs closely.

Pupil voice is taken very seriously in the school and has led to new initiatives, such as: on pupil request the Daily Mile was replaced by Get Up! Get Active! and a new Healthy and Active Lives newsletter has been created.

The school setting also ensures variation of resources to support not just the children but the entire school community.

Well done Fair Furlong Primary!

Physical Activity Specialist Award: 1 December 2022 to 1 December 2025

Congratulations to Fair Furlong Primary School on achieving the Physical Activity Specialist Award.

The strengths of their submission included (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Ensuring their pupils are active even during a bad weather by investing in all-weather surface and gear.
  • Actively promoting physical activity to the whole school community by assemblies, PSHE curriculum, school website, a new termly newsletter, inviting parents to join in during healthy and safe week, and providing physical activity sessions to staff and encouraging active travel.
  • Committing to inclusion in physical activity and reducing barriers pupils have reported to participating by working with coaching providers to provide individual mentoring for children, ensuring all after school clubs and extra-curricular activity with competitions are free using sports premium, providing a fully stocked supply of spare kit and having a flexible kit clothing policy.

Fair Furlong is most proud of the inclusion of their disabled children in whole school events such as sports days and week-long camps and a change in mindset seen amongst girls engagement in sport and physical activity and increased girls participation in extra-curricular physical activity events.

Well done Fair Furlong Primary!