Broomhill Junior School

About the school's work
Physical Activity Specialist Award: 29 May 2024 to 29 May 2027
Congratulations to Broomhill Junior School on achieving the Physical Activity Specialist Award.
The school demonstrated their dedication to promoting high quality physical education, by encouraging participation, removing barriers to exercise, and celebrating the whole school community's achievements.
The strengths of their award submission included, but are not limited to, the following:
- Promoting period dignity by introducing period education starting in year 4 and providing free period products in school bathrooms.
- Addressing economic barriers by ensuring access to free sports clubs, providing low-cost or free PE kit, offering specialist provision in lessons, and subsidising swimming lessons.
- Establishing mixed netball and basketball clubs, as well as a girls' football team, in response to pupil feedback, resulting in significantly increased interest.
- Promoting locally available physical activity opportunities and celebrating sports teams’ achievements in school’s newsletter.
Well done Broomhill Junior School!
Essential Award 29 May 2024 to 29 May 2027
Congratulations to Broomhill Junior for renewing their Essential Award!
After 3 years of holding the Essential Award, the school has firmly embedded a variety of methods which help them to understand and support the health and wellbeing needs of their whole school population.
Some of these methods include the schools’ health data, pupil questionnaires on health and wellbeing, behaviour data, Nurture Groups, regular staff meetings, and parent and staff questionnaires.
Broomhill Junior continues to participate in the Pupil Voice Survey, and PSHE lessons are used to help the school further identify health issues and trends.
The school actively seeks representation of all pupils groups through the use of multilingual class Dojo, regular school council meetings, collection of views in lessons, and explicitly by governors.
To cement the school’s commitment to the mental health and wellbeing of the children, as well as staff development, Broomhill Junior School invested in MELSA training and counselling/check-in sessions for staff.
Broomhill Junior is specifically proud of the use of the A-Z book: each pupil has their own book which goes through school with them, equipping them with mental health strategies that they can carry with them through life.
Testimonial from the school:
“We have upped our approach to mental health alongside healthy schools. It has impacted us through the travel initiatives and healthy eating award too. The programme has made us assess our provision and helped improve already impressive areas such as when we achieved the mental health award.”
Well done Broomhill Junior School!
Bristol Ideal Specialist Award: July 2023 to July 2026
The Bristol Ideal Award is a set of standards for settings to follow to improve their approach to healthy relationships, domestic abuse, and sexual violence.
Broomhill Junior's effort on the Bristol Ideal award is impressive and truly deserving of recognition. The school went the extra mile to involve the entire school community and make them aware of their work for the award.
The school felt that opening their doors and being more available has resulted in increased trust and has strengthened relationships with parents and families.
All staff undertake safeguarding and relevant training, but they are particularly proud that two members of staff trained specifically on domestic violence and sexual abuse (DVSA) (child and adult).
The staff are versed in challenging any racist or homophobic incidents using a supportive and educational approach, training on how to report / whistleblowing / Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) etc is also available.
Broomhill Junior School values include collaboration, inclusion, and respect. The school focuses on promoting diversity and challenging stereotypes.
Here are a few selected examples of their good practice:
- They have a clear and well communicated policy on reporting any worrying language or behaviour e.g., name calling, jokes, cat calling, and inappropriate touching.
- Consent has been added to RSE teaching and policy in line with recommendations from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)report.
- They now cover the world reimagined programme across the school, which is a positive development from Black History Month
Based on pupil’s feedback, changes have been made cloakrooms and breaks had been made to increase pupils’ sense of security/safety.
Well done Broomhill Junior School!
Mental Health and Wellbeing Award: October 2022 to October 2025
Congratulations to Broomhill Junior School on achieving the Mental Health and Wellbeing Specialist Award.
The strengths of the submission included (but are not limited to):
- Focusing on supporting staff mental health by offering internal and external, confidential support
- Planning staff training around identified staff and pupils needs
- Having clear system of referrals
- Taking part in national mental health awareness days
- Became Period Friendly School
- Inviting parents to share their concerns and ideas
- Introduced Class Dojo to ensure instant contact between teachers and parents and carers
Well done Broomhill Junior School!