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We have worked with Bristol Parent Carer Forum and NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) to produce the Bristol Co-production Charter.

The charter sets out our commitment to providing support and services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in Bristol.

  pdf Read Bristol's Co-Production Charter (3.39 MB)

The charter lists how we aim to include co-production principles into our service. This is through working together and by recognising the contribution of personal experiences.

We have a collective approach set out through the five core principles of the charter. This is so we can achieve our aims across the whole system, working together with our key stakeholders.

We created the co-production charter in line with the Bristol SEND and Inclusion Strategy draft 2024 to 2028. We have co-produced this strategy with multiple stakeholders to outline our approach for SEND and Inclusion over the next four years, reflecting the city's needs.

This charter highlights that SEND and Inclusion is a key element of citywide partnership working. Working in this way will have positive impacts across the whole system.