Results of the Hotwells and Harbourside by-election, 2020.

A by-election for a Bristol City Councillor for the ward of Brislington East was held on Thursday 16 January 2020.


pdfBrislington East verification (pdf, 67 KB)

Results of election

Vacant seats: 1
Electorate: 9,260
Turnout: 23.6%
Total number of votes: 2,177

pdfBrislington East by-election Declaration Statement (pdf, 37 KB)

Candidates, number of votes and who was elected
CandidatePartyNumber of votesElected?
Candidate:MURRAY Tara AA Party:Liberal Democrats Number of votes:486 Elected?:
Candidate:PRICE-SOSNER Isaac Party:The Green Party Number of votes:179 Elected?:
Candidate:RIPPINGTON Timothy Charles Party:Labour Party Number of votes:865 Elected?:Elected
Candidate:WILLIAMS Richard Peter Party:Conservative Party Number of votes:647 Elected?:
Number of ballot papers rejected
Rejection reasonNumber of rejected ballot papers
(a) want of an official mark 0
(b) voting for more candidates than voter was entitled to 2
(c) writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0
(d) being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty 3

Total number of reject ballot papers: 5

Candidates and agents

The deadline for receipt of nomination papers for this election was 4pm on Tuesday 17 December 2019. 

Guidance and the nomination papers for candidates and agents is available on the Electoral Commission Website Go to (opens new window).

If you have a query about the election email 

Contact information

Electoral services

Electoral Services
Bristol City Council
B Bond Warehouse (5th Floor)
Smeaton Road
Bristol BS1 6XN

Phone: 0117 922 3400

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm
Friday, 9am to 4.30pm