Including the number of ballot papers verified and number of second preference votes.

Total number of ballot papers verified at the counting of second preference votes was: 52,206

Total number of second preference votes given for each of the candidates remaining in the content
NameDescriptionNumber of second preference votes
HORE-RUTHVEN Sandy Green Party 9,332
REES Marvin Jonathan Labour Party 8,766
None of the remaining candidates 27,265

Total number of second preference votes: 45,363

Number of ballot papers rejected
Rejection reasonNumber of rejected ballot papers
(a) ballot papers on which more than one second preference vote is given 15
(b) ballot papers which are unmarked as to the second preference vote 6,818
(c) ballot papers which are void for uncertainty as to the second preference vote 12

Total number of rejected ballot papers: 6,845

Combined number of first and second preference votes
NameDescriptionNumber of votes
HORE-RUTHVEN Sandy Green Party 45,663
REES Marvin Jonathan Labour Party 59,276

spreadsheet Statement of local result as to the counting of second preference votes(12 KB)

Declaration that REES Marvin Jonathan is duly elected.

Returning officer:  Tim O'Gara

Date:  Saturday 8 May 2021