Prices and opening times.
Address: Berkeley Place, Bristol
Postcode: BS8 1EH
Type: multi-storey
Spaces: 750
Electric vehicle charging points: 6 bays on level 2B
Height restriction: 2.1m
Maximum stay: no limit
How to pay: pay on exit by cash or card
You can apply for annual season tickets at West End for £3,567.
You can get pre-paid tickets at this car park. They cost £353 for a pack of 20.
Every day, 8am to 6pm, up to:
- 1 hour: £2.70
- 2 hours: £5.40
- 3 hours: £8.10
- 4 hours: £10.80
Over 4 hours: £19.60
Evening, 6pm to 12midnight: £4.50
Overnight, 6pm to 9am: £6
Disabled parking
The location and number of the disabled parking bays are:
- level 1a: 6 disabled parking bays
- level 2a: 6 disabled parking bays
You can use these if you have a valid blue badge. You'll still need to pay for the duration of your stay in the car park at one of the pay machines.