RHSE resources for secondary schools to teach about different forms of abuse.

Teacher training: being safe Go to http://www.gov.uk/government/publications/teacher-training-being-safe (opens new window) on GOV.UK, training materials for primary and secondary schools to use to train staff to teach about being safe.

Fearless Go to https://www.fearless.org/en/professionals/resources/downloads (opens new window), from Crimestoppers free resources providing a range of exercises on different crime types to challenge young people's perceptions, stimulate debate and encourage good citizenship.

Home Office #knifefree lesson plans Go to https://www.pshe-association.org.uk/curriculum-and-resources/resources/home-office-knifefree-lesson-plans-ks34-%E2%80%93-updated (opens new window) on PSHE Association. Lessons informing young people of the consequences of carrying a knife.

Home Office 'Something's Not Right' abuse disclosure resources, KS3 to 5 Go to https://www.pshe-association.org.uk/curriculum-and-resources/resources/home-office-somethings-not-right-abuse-disclosure (opens new window) on PSHE Association. Lessons supporting the ‘Something's Not Right' campaign on recognising and making disclosures about different forms of abuse.

Not In Our Community (Year 6+) Go to https://notinourcommunity.org/ (opens new window) resources and stories based on real life events helping to understand how grooming and exploitation works and how to spot the warning signs amongst friends.

NSPCC Learning - It's not OK Go to https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/research-resources/schools/its-not-ok (opens new window) lesson plans and classroom guidance to help teach students to stay safe online.

Salvation Army anti-trafficking and modern slavery lesson packs Go to http://www.salvationarmy.org.uk/resources/schools-resources/seasonal-assemblies-secondary (opens new window)