How to dispose of your waste in Bristol Harbour.
Disposing of your waste
It's an offence to put any solid or liquid polluting material into Bristol Harbour.
You should always dispose of your waste responsibly.
General waste and small items
Bins are provided around the harbour for general waste and small items. Theyre at the positions shown on the pdf harbour map(454 KB) .
Large items
Large items shouldnt be placed in the bins.
A skip is available at Underfall Yard for large items. A small charge may be made for this facility.
Bottle Banks and other separated waste facilities are shown on the pdf harbour map(454 KB) .
Sewage waste
Self-operated pump out systems are available at the New Inlet, Prince Street Bridge and Temple Back. Tokens are available from the Harbour Office.
The pump system needs a reasonable ratio of liquid to solid waste to operate properly.
Follow this guidance to make sure the pump works properly:
- sanitary towels, panty liners, nappies, nappy liners, plastic and rubber products should be disposed of in waste bins and never be flushed into waste holding tanks
- liquid waste should be discharged into the waste holding tanks and not discharged separately from solid waste
- always make sure a good seal is formed between the suction hose fitting and the deck fitting and the suction hose valve tap is fully located
- make sure you give enough time for the vacuum pressure to build before opening the suction pipe tap
- always use the fresh water hose and rinse facility after youve emptied the tank, the pump is automatically programmed to allow this
Report any problem immediately to the Harbour Office.
Elsan disposal points
There are Elsan disposal points next each shower facility in Bristol Harbour.
Elsan disposal are also available at Bathurst Basin (code access).
Dont use toilets for Elsan disposal.
Used batteries
Used batteries can be disposed of at Underfall Yard.
Electrical items
Electrical items (large and small) such as fridge freezers, televisions or small electrical appliances will not be accepted at Underfall Yard.
Dispose of these items at Household Waste Transfer Stations.
Waste oil disposal
Waste oil disposal facilities are available at:
- Underfall Yard
- Bristol Marina
Oily bilge water may be disposed of at Underfall Yard.
Waste management plan
Find our pdf port waste management plan(849 KB) .
Downloadable files
pdf Be water aware health advice card Go to index.php?option=com_docman&view=document&alias=1183-pocket-size-be-water-aware-health-advice-card&category_slug=documents&Itemid=159 (opens new window)(65 KB)