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Find a care home

If you're finding it difficult to live independently in your own home, moving into a care home isn't your only option. We can help you stay in your own home or find out more about your housing options.

The Care Home and Residential Home UK Guide lists all of the care homes, nursing homes and residential homes in the UK. You can search for homes near you.

For more information and inspection reports of care homes, go to the Care Quality Commission website.

To understand the kind of things you should think about when choosing your care home, read our leaflet Information about pdf choosing a care home (158 KB) .

Specialist and nursing care

Some homes specialise in providing different types of care. If you need more help with personal care or regular medical attention, you may need a care home that provides nursing support from staff who are qualified to assess your medical needs, provide treatment or decide to call for a doctor.

Dementia or mental confusion

Finding a care home for someone with Alzheimer's disease, dementia or severe and permanent confusion can be difficult, but some homes do specialise in caring for these residents. You should get a full assessment of the person's needs, even if you aren't receiving help with the cost of the care. Speak to your GP or contact Bristol Mind on 0117 980 0371.

For more information, contact Alzheimer's Society (South West) on 0117 967 2975.

British Forces' veterans

If you served in the British Forces, you can get advice on homes for former servicemen and women, private and voluntary care homes, and information on sheltered housing across the UK from The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA) Tel: 0207 403 8783.

Ask about a place in a care home

If you want to ask about a place in a care home, fill out our Adult Care Referral Form to tell us your name and address, including your postcode.

You can also email us on adult.care@bristol.gov.uk or call 0117 922 2700.

After you contact us

After you've sent us your contact form we'll come to see you in your home to talk about your needs, find out about your personal circumstances, how you manage at home, what help you get and what daily tasks you find difficult. It's useful if a friend, family member or carer can be there to talk to us.

It's a great chance for you to ask more questions. We want to know about what you want, so don't be afraid to say what you think and feel.

Paying for care

There are fees for living in all care homes.

If you have less than £23,250 in savings, we may be able to contribute to the cost of a placement in a private home. You'll need to complete a financial assessment which will show the weekly cost of living in a home.

What you may have to pay for your care and support

Trial stay

If you're thinking about moving into long-term care, but you're not sure if it's right for you, you can have a short respite stay in one or two homes to try it out first.

Even if you've already made your decision, we recommend a trial stay of four weeks before moving in to make sure you're happy with your choice. This also allows the staff at the home to make sure they can meet your needs.

A trial stay is a good idea even if you are choosing and paying for care privately.

Moving in

You should agree a care plan for your health, diet and social needs and preferences with the home you are moving into. If you have a medical condition such as diabetes or asthma, make sure the staff are clear about how to handle any emergency.

Ask the home's manager about furniture, phone and TV for your room.

Independent advice

You can get more information from:

Independent Age, Telephone: 0800 319 6789

The Elderly Accommodation Counsel, Telephone: 0800 377 7070

The Relatives and Residents Association, Telephone: 020 7359 8136

Age UK, Telephone: 0800 169 6565