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Details of the population of Bristol, population estimates and population by Equalities Group.


An overview of the population living in the Bristol Local Authority area is available in the report:

pdf The Population of Bristol, December 2024 (8.67 MB)

The report paints a picture of the population of Bristol and brings together statistics on the current population, recent trends in population and migration and future projections.

Some facts about Bristol's population:

  • The population of Bristol is estimated to be 483,000 (mid-2023)
  • Bristol is one of the 11 UK Core Cities and the 8th largest city in England and Wales outside of London
  • Over the last decade (2013-2023), Bristol's population grew by an estimated 44,000 people - a 10.0% increase. England and Wales grew by 6.8%
  • Bristol was the second fastest growing of all the Core Cities in England and Wales after Manchester
  • There are now more than 287 different ethnic groups in the city, more than 185 countries of birth represented, at least 45 religions and more than 90 languages spoken by people living in Bristol
  • In 2022/23 there were almost 71,000 students registered at the two Bristol universities

Population estimates

Mid-2023 population estimates were published by the Office for National Statistics on 15 July 2024. The population of Bristol is estimated to be 483,000 people.

Find more information in the following note and table:

Population estimates for small geographies

Mid-2022 population estimates are available by age and sex for a selection of small geographies. Ward and 2021 Lower Layer Super Output Area estimates:

ONS plan to publish Mid-2023 estimates for wards and LSOAs in Summer 2025. 

Census 2021 results

Census results for Bristol are presented in two new dashboards which can be found on our Census 2021 page.

Population by Equalities Group

Population profiles by equalities group show the differences between population groups in Bristol.

The profiles analyse Census 2021 data and compare:

  • age
  • health and disability
  • economic activity
  • occupation
  • qualifications
  • housing and household composition

The profiles also map the distribution of population groups across the city.

Equalities statistics 

The pdf Equalities Statistics August 2024 (487 KB)  guide outlines the main sources of equalities statistics for Bristol, including information on:

  • age
  • sex
  • ethnic group
  • religion
  • disability
  • sexual orientation
  • gender identity
  • legal partnership status

Population projections

The latest population projections for the Bristol local authority area are the Office for National Statistics (ONS) 2018: based population projections:

Advice on using the projections

These projections published on 24 March 2020 are based on the 2018 mid-year population estimates.

The projections are trend-based projections. This means assumptions for future levels of births, deaths and migration are based on observed levels mainly over the last five years.

The projections do not attempt to predict the impact of:

  • future government or local policies
  • changing economic circumstances
  • local development policy
  • the capacity of an area to accommodate population
  • other factors might have on demographic behaviour

Events not included

Future population projections are uncertain. The following current events, and their potential impacts on our economy and society,  are not reflected in the current 2018-based population projections:

  • COVID-19 pandemic
  • leaving the EU
  • war in Ukraine
  • new Hong Kong British National Overseas visa
  • the economic crisis
  • global climate emergency

New 2021-based subnational population projections and household projections will be published by ONS in Summer 2024. These projections will use Census 2021 data and revised trends to re-base the projections.