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What a hospital passport is used for and how you can get one for your child.

A hospital passport helps children and young people with learning disabilities and other lifelong disabilities to give hospital staff important information about them and their health when they go to hospital.

You can complete a hospital passport for your child on the University Hospitals Bristol and Weston website.

Going to hospital with COVID-19

If your child has to go to hospital because they have COVID-19 (the Cornavirus), then complete and take with them the NHS COVID-19 Grab and Go form Go to https://www.england.nhs.uk/coronavirus/wp-content/uploads/sites/52/2020/03/C0381-nhs-covid-19-grab-and-go-lda-form.pdf (opens new window).

This will give the doctors and nurses specific COVID-19 information.

Read the COVID-19 Grab and Go guidance notes Go to https://www.england.nhs.uk/coronavirus/wp-content/uploads/sites/52/2020/03/C0381-nhs-covid-19-grab-and-go-lda-guidance-notes.pdf (opens new window) for advice on filling in the form.

You should still take with you the child's hospital passport.