Report a missed collection, when we'll return to collect and how to help make sure we don't miss your collections.

Temporary suspension of garden waste collections
All garden waste collections will stop from 21 December 2024 to 20 January 2025. Please do not attempt to report a missed collection for garden waste during that time. To find out your next collection date use our Bin collection day finder.

When to report a missed collection

You must report a missed collection between 5pm on the day of the missed collection and 5pm the next working day.

Due to technical issues, you may find that you're unable to report a missed collection after 5pm on the day of your collection. If this happens, please try again after 6pm.

Before you start

Check if your street is on the list of streets not collected on the Bristol Waste website.

Use our collection day finder to check that you put your containers out on the correct collection day. If you didn't put your bins, boxes or bag out on the correct day, put them out on your next collection day.

If your recycling has been missed, you only need to report one container and we will return for all of them.

You will need to report rubbish, recycling and garden waste separately.

Report a missed collection 

When we'll collect

Put your containers out in your normal place. We'll collect your rubbish or recycling within 2 working days.

Help make sure we don't miss your collection

Make sure you:

  • put your containers out before 6am on collection day, find your collection day
  • put your containers at the edge of your property so they're visible from the road
  • close the lid on your wheelie bin
  • sort your rubbish and recycling into the correct containers and don't put out items we don't collect, see what goes in your bins and boxes

Don't overfill your recycling boxes. If your box is full, put the extra recycling in untied carrier bags sorted by material. For example, a bag for plastic and a bag for cans. Don't use black bags or bin liners.

If you have too much cardboard to fit into your blue bag, put it out over several weeks or take it to a recycling centre. We can't collect cardboard that isn't in a blue bag.