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What a mini recycling centre is, which properties can get one, how to ask for one.

Mini recycling centres (MRCs) are made up of a set of large bins.

You can usually find them in:

  • blocks of flats that have 15 or more individual flats
  • households of multiple occupancy (HMOs) that have 15 or more bed spaces

Ask for an MRC for your block or HMO

We can install an MRC free of charge.

We don't install MRCs in blocks with less that 15 flats or HMOs with less than 15 bed spaces.

You can request an MRC if

  • you're the agent, landlord or owner
  • you have the agent, landlord or owner's details

The agent, landlord or owner will be responsible for the presentation and for the bin storage area cleanliness.

Ask for a Mini Recycling Centre

What happens next

We'll add your request to the MRC request list. When your request reaches the top of the list, we'll contact you to arrange a visit to the property, to see if we can install an MRC there.

We aim to do a visit within a few weeks of getting your request. However, there are over 100 sites asking for an MRC at the moment, so it might take us longer to do the visit.

If the property is suitable, we'll install an MRC within four weeks of the visit.

What you can and can't recycle in your MRC

You can recycle:

  • cans: drinks cans, food tins, clean foil, aerosols (remove lids)
  • cardboard: boxes such as cereal boxes, corrugated cardboard and brown envelopes
  • food waste: all cooked and uncooked food, peelings, tea bags, eggshells, meat and fish bones
  • glass: glass bottles, glass jars; rinse out and place the lids with your cans
  • paper: newspapers, magazines, directories, catalogues, envelopes, junk mail, leaflets, yellow pages
  • plastic: bottle tops, bottles, pots and tubs, take-way containers, food trays

Tetra Paks go into the cardboard bin. 

No black plastic, carrier bags and bin liners, hard plastics.

You can't recycle:

  • cellophane, cling film and bubble wrap
  • crisp packets and wrappers
  • drinking glasses
  • flower pots
  • household waste
  • light bulbs
  • window glass
  • packing tape
  • polystyrene
  • pyrex or china
  • bulky waste, for example furniture or large appliances

If you have large items to recycle, call our customer services centre on 0117 922 2100 or visit our bulky waste collection page to book a collection.

Schools and educational establishments

Contact us to see if you're eligible to get mini recycling centre bins.

Contact information

Bins and recycling services

Phone: 0117 922 2100
Email: waste.services@bristol.gov.uk

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6pm.
Closed Wednesdays, 12pm to 1.30pm for staff training.