How your school can apply for a Bristol Eating Better Award.
The Bristol Eating Better Award has been adapted for schools and incorporates the School Food Standards.
We are keen that all Bristol school caterers and on-site services providing meals such as breakfast clubs and after school clubs achieve the Bristol Eating Better Schools Award (Gold) to ensure best practice and consistency across schools.
How to apply for the Bristol Eating Better Schools Award
What information you need before you apply, how to apply, what happens next.
Before you apply
You'll need to:
- know about the working practices of your kitchen, for example what ingredients and cooking methods you use: after each question, we'll ask you to tell us a bit about how you do the action
- have permission, from the owner of the business, to make any agreed changes
- know an estimate of how many customers you serve in a day
Apply for the award
Use our online form to apply.
Apply for a Bristol Eating Better schools award
See our pdf printable pdf example form(440 KB) to help you plan your application.
See the document Bristol Eating Better Schools Award Core Action Checklist(95 KB) to check if you're doing all the core actions applicable to your setting and if you're eligible for an award.
If you provide your sevices at more than one school, apply using the spreadsheet multiple settings form(23 KB) . Email your form to
Email if you need:
- a copy of your previous application
- any support with your application
We look forward to hearing about the actions you take.
What happens next
After you submit your application, we'll work out the results and get in touch with you within two weeks.
If you're successful, we'll send you an award pack with:
- a window sticker for your school reception
- a Bristol Eating Better Award logo to use on your website or elsewhere
- a PDF of your certificate
- a letter setting out the terms and conditions of the award
We'll also promote your business on our social media channels
How long the award is for
The award lasts for one year. You'll need to reapply for it when it runs out.
You can email us at for a copy of your previous application if you need it.
How this award links to the Bristol Healthy Schools Programme
Bristol Eating Better Schools Award (Silver and Gold) is also incorporated within the Bristol Healthy Schools Awards programme as essential criteria for the food environment in schools.
Schools who are applying for a Bristol Eating Better Schools Award (Silver or Gold) might also like to apply for a Bristol Healthy Schools Essential Award as the two awards complement each other.