What is sexism, sexual bullying, harassment and violence, what schools can do to support victims and prevent bullying.

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What is sexual bullying?

Sexualised bullying broadly includes any bullying behaviour with a sexual element. It can be both physical and non-physical and it can be carried out to a person's face, behind their back or through the use of technology.

Anti-bullying alliance Go to https://anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/tools-information/all-about-bullying/sexual-and-sexist-bullying/what-sexual-bullying (opens new window) states that this behaviour can be between children and young people of any gender and/or sexual orientation, and between children and adults. 

Sexual bullying might include:

  • sexual comments, taunts and threats
  • inappropriate physical contact that makes the recipient feel uncomfortable or scared, this can include hugging and kissing
  • distributing sexual material (including pornography), sending photos or videos of a sexual nature
  • making phone calls and sending texts or messages of a sexual nature
  • ‘games' with a sexual element that may make a child or young person feel uncomfortable or scared. For example taking clothes off, kissing or touching games
  • pressure to spend time alone or apart from others with another person, or people, that makes the person feel uncomfortable or scared. For example behind  school buildings, in the toilets or changing rooms, in the field
  • pressure to be in a relationship with another person, or to engage in a sexual act with another person, both inside and outside of school
  • sexism in all its forms; pressure to conform to  particular gender ‘norms'. For example pressure on boys to have multiple partners, or pressure on boys and girls to be heterosexual

What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is a similar term to sexualised bullying. It is unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature which makes someone feel distressed, intimidated or humiliated:

  • sexually degrading comments, jokes or gestures
  • being stared or leered at
  • unwanted sexual advances or propositions
  • unwanted touching, groping or sexual assault
  • texts, emails or social media with a sexual content

How common is sexual harassment and sexual violence?

Sexual harassment and sexual bullying is an everyday occurrence for young people. It's wrongly normalised as a ‘part of growing up' and just ‘banter', which adds to the barriers young people have to reporting it and to teachers policing it. 

In the UK, Girl Guiding's attitudes survey Go to https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/globalassets/docs-and-resources/research-and-campaigns/girls-attitudes-survey-2017.pdf (opens new window) found that 64% of girls aged 13 to 21 have experienced sexual harassment at school.

Sexual bullying in Bristol schools

During 2013 and 2014, pdfBristol Public Health carried out research (pdf, 390 KB) with young people in school years 9 to 13 in Bristol to look at:

  • sexual bullying
  • harassment
  • sexism

Young people confirmed that sexualised bullying happens a lot. One in three stated that posting rude pictures online is happening between peers and 1 in 10 young people say rape threats happen in their school ‘a lot'.

One of the issues they reported was the normalisation of sexism, sexualised bullying and sexual harassment and that it was often framed as ‘just a joke'. This lessened the severity of the problem and made the victim look like they had no sense of humour if they complained.

Young people's understanding of the causes of sexual bullying and harassment

Research was carried out between 2014 and 2015 through a questionnaire and focus groups. It includes recommendations for schools and youth settings on how they can tackle sexual bullying.

Young people reported being under pressure to act up to traditional, heterosexual stereotypes of masculinity and femininity, despite what might seem like great strides forward in gender equality.

Sexism and sexual bullying appear to be used to enforce these stereotypes and highlight when someone has stepped out of place with some girls reporting being told to “know your place” and “get in the kitchen” regularly.

What schools can do to support somebody who discloses sexual harassment and sexual violence

Every school has its own safeguarding policies and procedures. To support these, the government has guidance for schools Go to https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sexual-violence-and-sexual-harassment-between-children-in-schools-and-colleges (opens new window) on how to prevent and respond to sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools.

The South West Child Protection Go to https://www.proceduresonline.com/swcpp/ (opens new window) procedures is agreed by the South West Local Safeguarding Children boards and covers all types of child abuse. All the information is based on current legislation and up to date national policy. It is updated regularly and should be followed by all organisations.

For further support, schools can also access the Safeguarding in Education team by email safeguardingineducationteam@bristol.gov.uk or by phoning 0117 922 2710

What to say to the pupil

The initial response to a disclosure from a child is important. It's essential that you reassure them that you believe what they've told you and that they will be supported and kept safe.

They should never be given the impression that they are creating a problem by reporting sexual violence or sexual harassment. Nor should they ever be made to feel ashamed for making a report. 

Signposting to additional services

The South West Survivor Pathway Go to http://www.survivorpathway.org.uk/bristol/ (opens new window) lists all the services that can offer children, young people and adults additional and specialist support, with a specialist section on children and young people's services.

Keep Bristol Safe Partnership training

Inter-agency training is available from the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership (KBSP) training team for all settings and organisations across the city of Bristol.

The KBSP training team offer a wide variety of in person or online inter-agency training sessions (levels 2 to 4) relating to safeguarding children, safeguarding adults and community safety themes in keeping with Bristol's collaborative safeguarding and community safety partnership.

Find out which inter-agency courses are available and book.

Safeguarding in education training

Single agency training is also offered by the Safeguarding in Education Team (SET) based within Bristol City Council to education workforces across the city.

To view courses available and book, visit the SET training page.

Managing allegations against people who work with children

You can find information about managing allegations against people who work or volunteer with children on the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership website.

It has:

  • local and national resources
  • local and national guidance
  • LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) contact details and a referral form