What is a Mediating Learning Support Approach (MeLSA), Bristol schools with a MeLSA, how to book a course, and find out more.

What is MeLSA

MeLSA is an evidence-informed training and supervision programme that promotes adult practitioners' understanding of the processes of children's learning.

The aim is to develop adult practitioner skills that support children and young people to become as independent as possible in their learning. MeLSA was developed by the Bristol Educational Psychology Service and is now being delivered and used by schools nation-wide.

School staff trained in MeLSA can deliver individual, small group and whole school interventions, as well as class-based support to build learners' independence and facilitate progress.

Schools who use MeLSA will have a greater capacity to support all pupils' learning, including those with additional needs.

For more information, look at the MeLSA promotional video (YouTube).

What is MeLSA training

MeLSA training involves six days of input, delivered by Educational Psychologists on aspects of learning theory and practice.

The training is highly interactive, leaving practitioners clear with how to apply their skills in their settings, across all ages and stages of education.

The six days of training include:

Day 1: Introduction to MeLSA, Mediating and Mindset
Day 2: Thinking about Thinking
Day 3: Memory and Recall
Day 4: The Psychology of Learning Maths
Day 5: The Psychology of Learning to Read and Write
Day 6: Review, Planning, Introducing Supervision and Monitoring Progress

Bespoke workbooks are provided across each of the six days, with additional information and free resources linked to each day.

Following the MeLSA training, there is:

  • group-based supervision facilitated by Educational Psychologists to support implementation, confidence and continued development of skills
  • an annual ongoing commitment for group supervision of six sessions per year

It's been very clear from evaluations, how much this ongoing supervision is valued.

There are four free supervision sessions included upon the completion of the course.

Outcomes of MeLSA training includes

Those that have an understanding of MeLSA after the six days training and ongoing supervision can:

  • investigate the learning skills of the specific children or young people they are working with
  • identify the learning skills required for a range of tasks
  • teach thinking skills, and adjust the content, language or complexity of the learning task to foster a learner's independence
  • plan, deliver and monitor impact of individual and small group learning support interventions, these interventions will be bespoke to the learner and normally last between half to one term

Who can attend MeLSA training

Anyone who wants to foster and develop curious and independent learners is welcome on MeLSA training.

Most participants who attend are: HLTAs, TAs and LSAs, as well as SENDCos.

MeLSA is appropriate for staff from Early Years, Primary, Secondary, Post-16 and Specialist settings.

We have already delivered MeLSA training to LA maintained, Independent and Private schools, as well as to staff working in schools linked to:

  • Oasis Academy Trust
  • Cathedral Schools Trust
  • E-ACT
  • Excalibur Academies Trust
  • Cabot Learning Federation
  • TILA
  • Excalibur
  • Ashley Down Schools Federation
  • North Star Academy
  • Midsummer Norton Partnership

We've also delivered bespoke packages to all staff in one setting (Whole School MeLSA) and to parents funded by the Bristol Parent Carer Forum (MeLSA for Parents and Carers).

We offer packages for Academic Trusts. Please contact us for more information.

Previous attendees of the course have fed back:

  • “It's one of the best courses I've been on”.
  • “I really enjoyed all the sessions and have learned so much”.
  • “Helps to identify those particular (learning) needs that have so far evaded us”.
  • “Having a MELSA at school is very much like a middleman to start assessments and to try other things that previously, we would have had to wait for an EP to come in and for them to suggest certain things”.
  • “I have found this extremely fun and interesting, with enormous potential to contribute to our school's provision”.
  • “It was an excellent course and I really enjoyed meeting others and learning from them. I am excited to start implementing it”.
  • “It has just made me re-evaluate my own practice”.

How to book and further information

Contact us below to book a course or to ask for further information: