Wellbeing services for Bristol education settings.
The pdf Bristol catalogue of services to schools, colleges and early years settings(3.08 MB) includes:
- training sessions
- supervision offers
- consultative support
- direct therapy
- wellbeing interventions
Education settings can use this as part of the graduated approach to SEND Support.
The services are delivered by a range of organisations, including:
- the Educational Psychology Service
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
- local charities
- social enterprises
The services are available to education settings across Bristol. They include programmes and support for:
- children and young people
- teachers
- school leaders
The topics include:
- adverse childhood experiences, trauma and resilience
- acceptance and commitment training (ACT) for school staff wellbeing
- activity packs from Unique Voice Go to https://uniquevoice.org/ (opens new window)
- bereavement support for children and young people
- Bristol Healthy Schools awards
- CAMHS primary mental health specialist training offer
- CAMHS primary mental health specialist consultation service
- childhood bereavement training
- consultation for social, emotional and mental health needs
- DNA-v Go to https://dnav.international/ (opens new window) wellbeing interventions
- ELSA Go to https://www.elsanetwork.org/ (opens new window) (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants)
- emotion coaching
- expressive writing
- Five Ways to Wellbeing: practical, proactive and preventative practices in schools
- The Good Behaviour Game
- Off the Record mental health workshops Go to http://www.otrbristol.org.uk/diffusion/ (opens new window)
- Prosocial: Using Evolution Science to Promote Wellbeing, Community Cohesion and Effective Learning Communities
- training with champions with Empire Fighting Chance Go to http://www.empirefightingchance.org/ (opens new window)
- using a trauma-sensitive approach
- restorative approaches in schools
- Video Enhanced Reflective Practice (VERP) for staff
- Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) for positive communication between adults and children
- web-based training
- wellbeing consultancy
- working confidently with gender and sexuality
The pdf Bristol catalogue of services to schools, colleges and early year settings(3.08 MB) has more information.
Email us on bristollocaloffer@bristol.gov.uk to ask for a copy in a different format.