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The Reopening High Streets Safely and Welcome Back Fund has allocated up to £831,570 to Bristol City Council to support the safe reopening of the City Centre and high streets as well as create and promote a safe environment for local trade and tourism.

What the fund covers

  • Support to develop an action plan for how the local authority may begin to safely reopen their local economies.
  • Communications and public information activity to make sure that reopening of local economies can be managed successfully and safely.
  • Business-facing awareness raising activities to ensure that reopening of local economies can be managed successfully and safely.
  • Temporary public realm changes to ensure that reopening of local economies can be managed successfully and safely.
  • Support to promote a safe public environment for a local areas visitor economy.
  • Support local authorities to develop plans for responding to the medium-term impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) including trying new ideas particularly where these relate to the High Street.

Supplier and procurement opportunities

We use a system called ProContract to commission and manage contracts over £25,000. You'll need to register on ProContact Go to https://procontract.due-north.com/Login (opens new window) to receive notifications and express interest in our contract opportunities. 

Registering is free. You must have an account registered on the system to take part in any of our purchasing activities.

Contact ProContractSuppliers@proactis.com if you require any technical assistance.

See our procurement page for more information on selling to the Council, procurement rules and regulations. 

Current supplier and procurement opportunities

We do not currently have any supplier or procurement opportunities relating to this project. 

Supplier opportunities related to this funding will appear here as and when they are available.

Opportunities already procured

Project Name: Shop Local, Shop Safely

We completed a procurement exercise in February and March 2021 to engage a supplier to develop and deliver a public facing Shop Local, Shop Safely communications campaign.

The campaign Wheres it to was originally procured to raise the profile of the diverse range of independent traders and businesses in 15 of the citys high streets.

In September 2021 the campaign was extended to include all the citys high streets.  For more information go to: Where's it to? Bristol High Streets Go to https://www.wheresittobristol.com/ (opens new window).  

What the Reopening High Streets Safely Fund and Welcome Back Fund is

The project is receiving up to £831,570 for Reopening High Streets Safely and Welcome Back projects funded from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. 

The Department for Communities and Local Government is the Managing Authority for ERDF. Established by the European Union ERDF funds help local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations.

For more information go to: England 2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (GOV.UK) Go to https://www.gov.uk/european-growth-funding (opens new window).

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