How landlords can help Ukrainian refugees find a home in Bristol.
If you're a landlord, have a second home or a spare room, we'll support and pay you to provide a home for refugees from Ukraine.
We're particularly looking for landlords who can offer a home to refugees who are already staying with a host in Bristol.
Ukrainian refugees can live and work in the UK for up to 3 years and access:
- benefits
- healthcare
- employment
- support from us to make sure the tenancy is well managed, and the property is well maintained
- support from a network of community welcome hubs
If you're already a host or a guest and your current arrangements need to change, read our Move-on Guide:
- pdf Move-on Guide: English language (360 KB)
- pdf Move-on Guide: Ukrainian language(473 KB)
- pdf Move-on Guide: Russian language(475 KB)
You can also refer to our pdf Move-on Policy(406 KB) .
How you can help
You can help Ukrainian refugees find homes in Bristol by:
- joining the Homes for Ukraine tenancy scheme to find homes for refugee families
- offering a tenancy in the private rented sector
- renting a room in your home to a lodger
- offering a room to rent in an HMO
- being a host, where you offer accommodation in your home or in a second property you own for 6 to 12 months
Do you know anyone who would like to be a host for Ukrainian refugees already in Bristol? Receive £200 for referring a host. Fill in document Bristol Homes for Ukraine Refer a Host(89 KB) and email it to
Offer a home for rent on the Homes for Ukraine Tenancy Scheme for landlords
You could be an experienced landlord with a portfolio of properties, or you may have a second home and want some support to become a new landlord . We ask you to set the rent at an affordable level reflecting the Local Housing Allowance.
To support you, we'll:
- set up the tenancy
- advise you about regulation for landlords and tenants
- be the point of contact for your tenants
- give you a security deposit
You'll also receive:
- a £1,000 thank you payment
- 6 month's rent paid in advance when the tenancy begins
- payments to cover the rent level as soon as you've joined the scheme
- up to £2,000 for repairs and maintenance
- up to £2,000 for your tenants, for furniture and items to help make the house a home
- support for your tenants
We also have a 0% interest loan for bringing empty properties back into use which includes project management for renovations and property management. See empty property loans and renovation service to bring empty properties back into use.
Offer a tenancy in the private rented sector
Landlords or agents can offer private tenancies for Ukrainian refugees at market rent level.
Let us know if you're advertising accommodation and we'll give you:
- a £1,000 thank you payment, when an Assured Shorthold Tenancy starts in self contained accommodation
- the first month's rent paid in advance
- a deposit of one month's rent
- up to £2,000 for your tenants, for furniture and items to help make the house a home
Offer a room for rent in your home to a lodger
If you have a spare room to rent to a Ukrainian refugee as a lodger, you'll get:
- a £500 thank you payment, this will be after the initial 12 months if it's a transition from hosting a guest
- the first month's rent paid in advance
- a deposit of one month's rent
- support to set up a rental agreement
- training and support for landlord and lodger
To find a lodger, contact Refugee Welcome Homes:
- email
- call 0739 4484 799
Offer a room in a shared house in the private rented sector
Landlords or agents can offer private tenancies for Ukrainian refugees at market rent level.
Let us know if you have a room in a shared house to offer (where you're not living), and we'll give you:
- a £500 thank you payment, when tenancy or licence agreement starts
- the first month's rent paid in advance
- a deposit of one month's rent
- up to £500 for your tenants, for furniture and items to help make the house a home
Offer a room in a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) for Ukrainian refugees
If you've got a HMO you can offer rooms for Ukrainian refugees. You'll receive:
- a £1,000 thank you payment
- up to £2,000 for repairs and maintenance
- first month's rent paid in advance
- deposit of one month's rent
- support to set up an agreement
- £500 for each of your tenants, for furniture and items to help make the HMO a home
- a cleaner for communal areas
Host Ukrainian refugees as guests in your home or second home
You can host refugees from Ukraine who have already arrived in Bristol and need accommodation.
They can be guests in your home or in a second home. As well as helping people, you'll get:
- up to £650 per month, paid in arrears, which doesn't affect tax or benefits
- full training and support from Refugee Welcome Homes
We'll check your home is suitable for the guests.
Apply to offer homes for Ukraine
To join the scheme as a landlord or a host, or to find out more, email