When you need a licence for a market or car boot sale, how much a licence costs and how to apply.
Bristol City Council holds the right to control all markets operated within the city of Bristol.
Any person or organisation wishing to operate a market within this boundary must apply for a markets licence.
You need to submit a licence application to hold a market or will be subject to legal action described within the Council's Market Charter Policy.
Market definition
A market is a gathering of buyers and sellers (called a concourse). If someone sets up stalls on their land and charges rent for those stalls (called stallage) from people selling goods, they are operating a market. This also applies to a person who uses their land to encourage and provide for a concourse of buyers and sellers.
The term market includes but is not limited to events such as car boot sales, fairs, antique and craft markets, general markets, farmers markets, street food markets and charity markets.
The market licence
A licence is for up to 50 trading spaces. We may grant a licence for more spaces in special circumstances.
You still need a market license if:
- you have already received other permissions for the market such as a Temporary Event Notice (TENs), planning consent, road closure order, or agreement to use a premises
- the market is to be held on private or public land, indoors or outdoors
- the proceeds are solely or principally for the benefit of a charity or other beneficiary
- the market is part of a wider event
- the market is an element of a ticketed event
You can apply if you're:
- an individual
- a charity
- an organisation, such as a school
- a private company
You can apply for a licence for up to 14 markets or car boot sales in 12 months. If you want to set up a regular market, email markets@bristol.gov.uk.
You must apply for a licence at least 28 days before the date of the market or car boot sale.
Renew the licence
You must renew your licence before each financial year 1 April to 31 March.
Before you apply
Before you apply, you'll need to read the:
- pdf Markets Charter Licensing Policy (292 KB)
- pdf Markets Charter Terms and Conditions (289 KB)
- pdf Markets Operational Plan Template (234 KB)
Before you apply, you must get written permission from the person who owns the site where you want to hold your market or car boot sale.
An administration fee of £30 per application, increasing to £40 from 1 April 2025, is required to be paid for all licence applications in addition to the below fees:
Commercial market or car boot sale licence
The additional fee for a commercial market or car boot sale licence is:
- £3 per trading space per market, increasing to £4 per pitch per market from 1 April 2025.
Charitable market licence
The additional fee for a charitable market licence is:
- £1.50 per trading space per market increasing to £2 per pitch per market from 1 April 2025.
You'll need to tell us which charity or organisation you're fundraising for. Also the:
- charitable market must be operated on a non-profit making basis to assist a charity
- operator must provide evidence that at least 80% of the proceeds are donated to a charitable cause with a valid charity number
How to pay
We'll tell you how to pay when we tell you if your application is approved.
Apply for a market or car boot sale licence
You must upload a copy of the:
- site permission evidence
- site plan, showing the layout of the car boot sale or market and its entry and exit points: the Health and Safety Executive website has further guidance
- traffic plan, showing how the possible impact on the roads and to traffic
- operational plan, including a production schedule and risk assessments
- insurance document showing third party public liability cover of at least £5 million
Apply for a market or car boot sale licence
If you want to sell at a market or car boot sale
You don't need a licence to sell at a market or car boot sale. You need to apply to the organiser for a stall.
Food businesses must be registered with their local council.
You can't sell alcohol unless the venue or event has a licence, you should check this with the organisers.
You can only sell second hand or surplus household goods at car boot sales. You can't sell things you've bought to resell.