Response times

You must submit your application within 28 days from when the property was occupied.

As long as you have submitted your application form and have received your confirmation email, you're able to rent out the property.

We will contact you to request the Part 2 payment in due course.

Log in to your account

To review your submitted applications from 13 February 2025, log in to Your Account.

Note: you will be unable to amend your application.

See our  pdf Property Licence Applications User Guide(2.19 MB) for more information.


Make an amendment

To amend your contact details only, log in and go to My Account.

If you need to make a change to your submitted application you should email

To help us with your application you'll need to include your:

  • unique property reference number, which is on your application form, if you applied on or before 13 February 2024
  • your application reference (beginning  with WK/), if you applied on or after 13 February 2024
  • full name 
  • address 
Documents you need to supply

You need to supply documents, including:

  • Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)
  • Gas safety certificate
  • Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) 
  • Fire Detection and Alarm System Inspection and Test Certificate where appropriate 
  • Emergency lighting inspection and test certificate where appropriate
  • Evidence of Rent with Confidence accredited membership

If you have a managing agent, you may be asked to supply a copy of the management agreement existing between you and the property owner or landlord.

We have more information about each of the documents we need below.

Information on discounts that may apply.

You can upload your documents online.

Upload documents

Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)

We need this within three months of the licence being issued. It should:

  • have no code C1 or C2 observations
  • be less than five years old

Gas safety certificate 

The Gas Safety Certificate:

  • shows inspection and testing of all gas appliances by a Gas Safe registered engineer
  • must be less than a year old

Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

This gives a property an energy efficiency rating and is valid for 10 years.  The minimum EPC rating allowed on privately rented properties for new lets and tenancy renewals is E.

Fire Detection and Alarm System Inspection and Test Certificate

This must:

  • indicate the British Standard and type of alarm system installed, for example BS5839 Part 6 2013 Type LD2 Grade A
  • be less than six months old for a Grade A system and less than a year old for a Grade D system

We won't accept certificates that only confirm the system is functional. 

Emergency lighting system declaration

We need a declaration that the emergency lighting system is in proper working order and has been maintained in accordance with the relevant British Standard (BS5266: Part 1: 2016). It must be less than a year old.

We won't accept certificates that only confirm the system is functional. 

If you carry out a risk assessment yourself then you need to provide risk assessment paperwork.

Rent with Confidence membership

To qualify for the licence fee Rent with Confidence (RWC) discount, licence holders or managers of licensed properties must have the accredited level of membership with one of the RWC approved providers when you apply for a licence. Read about how to join an accreditation scheme.

This scheme is not managed by the council. Contact the Rent with Confidence approved providers directly.

You can find a list of approved contractors on the West of England Rental with Confidence Accreditation Scheme.

As the applicant, it's your responsibility to prove RWC accredited membership.

If you cannot provide evidence of qualifying membership (usually an accreditation certificate) by the deadline for Part 2 payment, the licence holder will not be able to claim the discount.

Discount will only be awarded if you're an accredited member not just an ordinary member of the organisation.

Fit and proper person declaration

Each person involved in the management of a licensed property needs to complete the document fit and proper person declaration form(65 KB) to be kept for their own records.

Part two payment

Once we decide that we can grant a licence, we'll contact you. We'll tell you:

  • how we've worked it out 
  • if we've applied any discounts
  • if there are additional charges
  • how and when to pay

You'll then have up to 28 days to pay part two of the licence fee. You can pay for this:

  • on the online payments page (select 'Property Licensing Fees'), if you applied on or before 13 February 2025.
  • on your property licensing account, if you applied after 13 February 2025
Proposed licence

We'll send you and all other parties with a legal interest in the property:

  • a copy of the proposed licence
  • notice
  • covering letter
  • conditions document
  • schedule of works if applicable

Or we'll send you a notice of refusal to grant a licence and give our reasons why. 

There is then a minimum 14 day period for you and any interested parties to make representations. This gives you and all interested parties the chance to: 

  • ask questions
  • challenge our decision
  • make comments

We'll include the representations information in the licence documentation that we send you.

Sometimes mortgage companies need confirmation of the licence before they will agree a loan. We will prioritise these applications, but they are still subject to the 14 day representation period that runs from the date we issue the proposed licence.

Full licence

We'll give you notice that grants or refuses a licence at the end of the representation period. When we grant the licence, you'll receive the full licence.

We'll grant your licence within 24 months from the date that you submit your satisfactory application and pay the correct Part 1 and Part 2 fees.

We may extend this time period once, for a limited time, if there are justified reasons for doing this.

It's in the public interest that we process your application before we can grant a licence. This means tacit consent doesn't apply.

Property inspection

We'll contact you to arrange an appointment to inspect the property. This is to check if any hazards are present using the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS). You can read the HHSRS guidance on the GOV.UK website.

After an inspection, if required, we'll issue a schedule of works that may detail any works needed to: 

  • comply with the licence conditions
  • address hazards identified under the HHSRS 
  • comply with the Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation Regulations or other relevant legislation
Apply for a loan

Following the inspection of your property, you may be able to apply for a loan to help pay for work needed to meet the licence requirements. A loan can't be approved for work completed before the signing of the formal loan agreement.

Who can get a private landlord loan

You're eligible for help if you've made an application for a property license or you're a private landlord with a property that has failings on the gas or electrical safety certificate.

For licensable properties, you must apply for a loan within two weeks of us receiving a schedule of works following the property licence inspection.

The schedule of works explains what repairs or improvements the property needs so that it meets the licensing conditions. 

For non-licensable properties, you must email the:

  • evidence of the failing gas or electrical certificate from a qualified contractor
  • cost to remedy the failure


To get a loan you must:

  • let your property for at least five years 
  • have enough equity in your property to cover the agreed loan
  • complete a Fit and Proper Person declaration 
  • pay back the loan if you sell your property

How much you can get

The maximum loan available is £20,000.

This depends on the cost of the repairs needed to meet the licence requirements, or improve gas or electrical safety.

Loan conditions 

The loan:

  • is available for five years
  • has a fixed interest rate of 4%
  • is secured at District Land Registry so the property can't be sold without the outstanding debt being flagged up in searches 

How to apply

Complete and return the document Landlord Loan enquiry form(62 KB) to your caseworker within 21 days of the scheduled date.

Once we get the completed form, we'll make a referral to our loan partner, Lendology.cic, who'll contact you to discuss the loan options available to you.

Financial assistance for private landlords

We offer loans to private landlords to help with necessary improvements to meet licensing standards, to make repairs or improvements, or to improve energy efficiency, in privately rented properties.  See the pdf Financial Assistance Schedule(567 KB) .

Property licensing register

We hold a Register of licensed properties. When your licence is issued, we'll add the required details to the register.

Copies of licences

To ask for a copy of your licence email us at It costs £24 for each copy. You can pay for this on the online payments page.