Statistics from previous property licensing schemes

Using legislation from the Housing Act 2004, we issue property licensing schemes for some private rented properties in Bristol.

These licensing schemes can be introduced to specific areas of the city where evidence suggests there are poor housing conditions and/or poor management practises.

On 6 August 2024 we launched our fifth local scheme. This adds to the current national mandatory licensing schemes for larger Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs).

We'll update this page with the scheme outcomes when each one is completed.

Eastville and St George Scheme: Additional and Selective Licensing

July 2016 to July 2021

  • Licenses issued: 3,316
  • Inspections: 3,409
  • Notices served: 752
  • Properties improved: 3,019
  • Prosecutions: 4
  • Civil penalty notices served: 10
  • Rent repayment orders: 0

Stapleton Road: Additional and Selective Licensing Scheme

April 2013 to April 2018

  • Licenses issued: 1,207
  • Inspections: 2,485
  • Notices served: 665
  • Properties improved: 845
  • Prosecutions: 10
  • Civil penalty notices served: 0
  • Rent repayment orders: 0