a large room with leather pews and a large bristol crest on the wall

The Chamber is based on the House of Commons and has a spectacular painted ceiling which shows Bristol throughout its history.

Ideal for

  • wedding and civil partnerships ceremonies
  • lectures and debates
  • confererences


We can ensure your meeting runs smoothly with the right technology, refreshments and support from our team on the day.

Free wi-fi is available and we can offer a secure connection if needed.

Price list

  • Weekday, 8am to 12pm or 1pm to 5pm, set up costs not included: £825+VAT
  • Weekday, 8am to 5pm, includes set up: £1500+VAT
  • Weekday evening, 6pm to 1am, includes security staffing: £2600+VAT
  • Weekends, all day or evening, includes security staffing: £3000+VAT on its own or £825+VAT if booked with Conference Hall

Make an enquiry now

Contact us

City Hall
College Green
Bristol BS1 5TR
Email: bookanevent@bristol.gov.uk