What we do with the information you give us when you use our growth and regeneration services.
Our privacy notice explains all the general principles about how we look after your data.
These are the detailed processing notices to explain how we use your data if you use these services:
- pdfArts Development (pdf, 242 KB)
- pdfAsset Strategy: Community Right to Bid, email use (pdf, 117 KB)
- pdfAsset Strategy: Estates Information, email inbox (pdf, 114 KB)
- pdfBedminster Green Regeneration newsletter (pdf, 199 KB)
- pdfBody Worn Cameras - Civil Enforcement Officers (pdf, 207 KB)
- pdfBottle Yard Studios (pdf, 253 KB)
- pdfBristol Heat Pump Ready (pdf, 184 KB)
- pdfBristol Living Wage City (pdf, 157 KB)
- docxClean Air Zone (docx, 119 KB)
- pdfClean Air Zone exemptions (pdf, 178 KB)
- pdfConference Office (pdf, 110 KB)
- pdfDevelopment Management: Planning and Enforcement (pdf, 125 KB)
- pdfDevelopment Management: Building Regulations (pdf, 118 KB)
- pdfDevelopment Management: Pre application enquiries (pdf, 95 KB)
- pdfEconomic Development Service (pdf, 237 KB)
- pdfEducation and Asset Management: Occupational Therapy referral form (pdf, 111 KB)
- pdfEnergy metres (pdf, 228 KB)
- pdfFirst Homes (pdf, 187 KB)
- pdfFrome Gateway Regeneration project (pdf, 212 KB)
- pdfHighway Network Management (pdf, 93 KB)
- pdfHousing and Landlord services (pdf, 139 KB)
- pdfHousing Options (pdf, 164 KB)
- pdfHousing Retrofit Pilot Project (pdf, 192 KB)
- pdfLocal Transport Team (pdf, 106 KB)
- pdfParks Volunteer Programme (pdf, 194 KB)
- pdfParking Services: Service Area Privacy Notice (pdf, 209 KB)
- pdfPavement licence privacy notice (pdf, 125 KB)
- pdfPlanning Online (pdf, 162 KB)
- pdfPlanning Policy (pdf, 184 KB)
- pdfPrivate Housing Service (pdf, 282 KB)
- pdfProperty services: General (pdf, 102 KB)
- pdfProperty services: Assignment application (pdf, 106 KB)
- pdfProperty services: Community Asset Transfer (pdf, 101 KB)
- pdfProperty services: Expression of interest (disposal) (pdf, 101 KB)
- pdfProperty services: Expressions of interest (lease) (pdf, 101 KB)
- pdfProperty services: Heads of Terms (Disposal) (pdf, 102 KB)
- pdfProperty services: Heads of Terms (New Lease) (pdf, 103 KB)
- pdfProperty services: Landlord consent (pdf, 100 KB)
- pdfProperty services: Reference letter (pdf, 113 KB)
- pdfProperty services: Tenancy at Will (pdf, 102 KB)
- pdfRecycling Centre booking system (pdf, 193 KB)
- pdfRegulatory services (pdf, 226 KB)
- pdfSelf Build Register (pdf, 198 KB)
- pdfStrategic City Transport: Contracts and Assets (pdf, 108 KB)
- pdfStrategic City Transport: Transport Demand Management (pdf, 108 KB)
- pdfStrategic City Transport: Flood Risk (pdf, 108 KB)
- pdfStrategic City Transport: Policy, bidding and strategic projects (pdf, 108 KB)
- pdfStrategic City Transport: Street Naming and Numbering (pdf, 108 KB)
- pdfStrategic City Transport: TPT (pdf, 108 KB)
- pdfSustainable Transport: E-cargo bike loan scheme (pdf, 161 KB)
- pdfTemple Quarter regeneration programme (pdf, 208 KB)
- pdfTraffic: Fix my Street (pdf, 90 KB)
- pdfTraffic: Parking Permits (pdf, 773 KB)
- pdfTraffic: Penalty Charge Notice (pdf, 152 KB)
- pdfTraffic Regulation Order(TRO) Team (pdf, 160 KB)
- pdfTransport: Travelwest smartcard online portal (pdf, 87 KB)