The framework for habitat and species conservation in Bristol.
The pdf Bristol Biodiversity Action Plan(5.11 MB) (BAP) provides the framework for habitat and species conservation in Bristol. It also recognises the benefits of wildlife to people and helps to identify ways to better promote, and engage people in, biodiversity conservation in the city.
It has been produced by the Bristol Biodiversity Partnership and is aimed at organisations, businesses, groups and individuals, which are either working to protect and enhance biodiversity in the city, or who may impact on it in some way.
The Bristol Biodiversity Action Plan aims:
- Provide a strategic overview for biodiversity conservation in Bristol
- Highlight priority habitats and species that are of particular value in Bristol, both within the national and local context
- Highlight threats and issues affecting these priority habitats and species, together with objectives, targets and actions to address them
- Encourage a common approach to biodiversity conservation and sharing of best practice
- Encourage education and community action and involvement as a key part of the biodiversity process
- Promote biodiversity conservation as an essential element of sustainable development
- Promote the importance of Bristol's biodiversity at a local, regional and national level
- Develop Bristol as a centre of excellence for urban biodiversity conservation
The Bristol BAP proposes actions over an initial five year period, which will be reviewed and updated at the end of this period.
The Bristol Biodiversity Partnership
The Bristol Biodiversity Partnership was formed in September 2005 with the setting up of the partnership steering group. The list of partners is not exclusive and new partners are both welcomed and encouraged.
The Bristol Biodiversity Partnership will:
- Oversee the production and implementation of the Bristol Biodiversity Action Plan
- Champion and promote Bristol's biodiversity and its distinctiveness
- Seek opportunities for joint projects and partnership working
- Facilitate sharing of best-practice and skills
- Support and provide inspiration for local conservation projects, events and activities
- Monitor biodiversity and biodiversity action in Bristol
- Report back annually on its achievements
- Feed into regional and national BAP processes as appropriate
The Bristol Biodiversity Partnership includes:
- Avon Biodiversity Partnership
- Avon Frome Partnership
- Avon Gorge and Downs Wildlife Project
- Avon Wildlife Trust
- Bristol City Council
- Bristol Living Rivers Project
- Bristol Museums, Galleries and Archives
- Bristol Natural History Consortium
- Bristol Naturalists' Society
- Bristol Ornithological Club
- Bristol Regional Environmental Records Centre (BRERC)
- Bristol Zoo Project
- Environment Agency
- Forest of Avon
- Forestry Commission
- Natural England
- Southville Association
Habitat and Species Action Plans
The BAP contains the following Habitat and Species Action Plans:
Bristol Habitat Action Plans
- pdf Species rich grassland(103 KB)
- pdf Woodland(298 KB)
- pdf Ponds and open water(146 KB)
- pdf Reedbeds and sedgebeds(167 KB)
- pdf Estuarine habitats(162 KB)
- pdf Scrub(65 KB)
- pdf Open mosaic habitats on previously developed land(152 KB)
- pdf Rivers and rhines(155 KB)
Bristol Species Action Plans
Species list and criteria
- pdf Bristol BAP Priority Species List(15 KB)
- pdf Criteria for inclusion of species on the Bristol BAP Priority Species List(9 KB)
BRERC - the West of England's Environmental Records Centre
BRERC holds biodiversity and geodiversity records for the West of England area.
It provides:
- data searches for conservationists, planners, students and members of the public
- data analysis for ecologists and planners
- surveying including Phase 1 and NVC surveys, targeted species surveys and site checks
- training on wildlife survey techniques and wildlife data analysis
- species identification advice
- access to over 1.3 million computerised biodiversity and geodiversity records, along with many more paper records
We have over 20 volunteers and work closely with community groups and professionals.