What is the Bristol Equality Charter, how we are involved, how your organisation can sign up.

We set up the Bristol Equality Charter with other organisations to help improve equality, diversity and inclusion across Bristol.

Other organisations can sign up to the charter to work towards equality in Bristol. They commit to the principles of the charter, but can set their own goals and priorities.

Bristol Equality Network

The Bristol Equality Network is a group of people who represent equalities within their organisations. 

The network regularly shares information and good practice, and supports new organisations that sign up to the charter.

To find out more email equality.network@bristol.gov.uk

Sign up to the Bristol Equality Charter

Download and fill in the pdf Bristol Equality Charter declaration form(847 KB)  and send it to:


Equality and Inclusion Team
Bristol City Council
City Hall
PO Box 3399
Bristol BS1 9NE