The Housing Management Board is under review and currently not active.
What the Housing Management Board does, details of the meetings, and how to get involved.
What is the Housing Management Board
The Housing Management Board is a forum where tenants meet senior housing managers and councillors to discuss and influence the development and management of council housing services.
The role of the board
- Review our business plan.
- Review our capital and revenue budgets on an annual basis.
- Reviews draft reports on key decisions taken by the cabinet or council.
- Consults and advises the Strategic Director on changes to policies, procedures and practices, as well as significant changes and development proposals.
- Reviews overall high level performance statistics.
pdf Housing Management Board: Terms of reference(311 KB)
Aims of the board
- Work towards the development and improvement of the councils housing management role, including all landlord functions.
- Contribute towards the corporate plans stated intention to improve the way we work - this is so that we can effectively deliver on our priorities and provide high quality services.
- Contribute towards the delivery of the Bristol Partnership, Neighbourhood Renewal and community strategies.
- Promote and assist in the creation of balanced and sustainable communities with a high quality of life where no one is disadvantaged.
- Contribute towards the achievement of our mission statement.
- Make sure tenants are properly involved in all landlord services.
Membership of the board
The Board includes:
- councillors, including the Executive Member
- a representatives from each of the other main parties
- 6 tenant board members
- 1 leaseholder board member
The Director for Homes and Landlord Services and other staff, may also attend and advise the board.
Contact your tenant and leasehold representatives
Each Housing Forum selects a representative to the board, ensuring views are brought to the board and reporting back with information about what is happening at a citywide level.
Housing Forums currently meet 4 times a year online.
Dates and venue of meetings
Dates for meetings in 2024 to 2025 will be added when they're finalised.
The meetings will be online.
Putting a question to the board
If you wish to raise a matter for discussion by the board, providing that it relates to policies or service developments affecting all tenants, please contact Tenant Participation by:
Telephone: 0117 3521444
Letter: Housing Management Board, Tenant Participation, Bristol City Council, PO Box 3399, Bristol, BS1 9NE
Written questions must be received at least three clear working days prior to the meeting.
Meeting papers
For copies of papers from previous meetings, please contact Tenant Participation.
Any minutes are draft until approved at the following board meeting.
You can see minutes of previous meetings and find the links to watch the webcast for the meeting on ModernGov.