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Early years, apply for a school place and further education, for the Gypsy, Roma, Traveller community.

Early years

All Gypsy, Roma, Traveller children are entitled to early years childcare services such as preschools, children centres, playgroups and nurseries.

To find a service to meet your needs contact:

School (primary and secondary places)

Your child must be enrolled in school from the September after their 4th birthday.  Find out about schools  in Bristol and how to apply .

Call: Bristol City Council school admissions: 0117 903 7694

Email: school.admissions@bristol.gov.uk

If you are only in the area for a short time or already have a school place in another area contact your nearest GRT drop in centre for school support and advice.

Further education

If you or your child is 16 years old or older and would like to do a college course, contact one of our GRT drop in centres. Even if you or your child don't have qualifications there are many opportunities we can discuss.

Youth provision for GRT young people

The Learning Partnership West (LPW) PIER (Participation, Inclusion and Empowerment of Roma) project aims to empower young people aged 8 to 14 to influence and inform the decisions that affect their lives.

The project supports young people to get involved in their schools, communities and democracy. To make a difference by speaking out about issues that matters to us and sharing these views with key decision-makers and leaders. 

PIER venues and times:

  • Rose Meadow View Traveller site (Ashton Vale), Every Wednesday 2.30 to 3.30pm and 4 to 5pm
  • City Academy, every Monday 9.45am to 12.45pm
  • Easton Community Centre, every Thursday 4 to 6pm

Contact the GRT team for information.

Bristol’s Anti Racism strategy

We have published Bristol’s Anti-Racism in education engagement report Go to https://democracy.bristol.gov.uk/documents/s96156/Appendix%20A%20-%20Anti%20Racism%20Strategy%20FINAL.pdf (opens new window) which is the evidence base to inform Bristol’s Anti Racism strategy to address outcomes for children and young people in Bristol.