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Resources for enforcement authorities who enforce the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act 2022.

From 30 June 2022, a landlord, or a person acting on their behalf, cannot require a leaseholder to make a payment of prohibited rent on certain leasehold agreements in England and Wales.

A prohibited rent is any rent higher than what is permitted by sections 4 to 6 of the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act 2022 (“the Act”).

Who enforces the Act

Local weights and measures authorities (usually the local trading standards service) enforce the Act.

District Councils can enforce the Act if they choose to.

We've produced a template enforcement policy under the Act which enforcement authorities can adopt. We're publishing it as a national approach, to promote consistency among enforcement authorities.

To access the template policy, join our KHub group.

Resources for enforcement authorities

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) and the Welsh Government have published statutory guidance for enforcement authorities on how to enforce the provisions of the Act.

The guidance:

  • gives details about action that may be taken if someone does not follow the requirements of the Act, and
  • includes a Notice of Intent Pro forma and a Final Notice Pro forma

UK Government (for England)

Statutory Guidance for enforcement authorities

Welsh Government

Statutory Guidance for enforcement authorities

You can find additional resources for leaseholders, including template letters, on our Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act 2022 page.