Our website will be unavailable from midday to 2pm on Wednesday 17 July. Sorry for any inconvenience.

How to make a comment on a planning application.

Planning Online is currently unavailable. We are working with the supplier to return the service as quickly as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience.

To have your say in the decision making process, you can comment on planning applications. You can support, object to or make a general comment.

We'll take comments into account when we make a decision on a planning application.

The best way to comment is with Planning Online.

When you comment via Planning Online, the contents of the comment text box will be published in full online, immediately after submission. Do not enter identifiable information in this box.

From 7 July 2022, the commenter name and address will be withheld for comments submitted via Planning Online.

From 22 August 2022, the commenter name and address will also be withheld for comments submitted by post or email.

This information will remain available to the Planning Officer and support staff, to provide comment context.

What you can comment on

All comments will be considered. We can only take planning issues into account, such as:

  • loss of light or privacy
  • overshadowing on your home
  • highway safety
  • traffic and parking issues
  • noise
  • amenity
  • wildlife
  • historic buildings
  • conservation
  • design
  • appearance of the development

We can't take some issues into account, such as:

  • loss of view
  • effect on property values
  • private rights
  • boundary disputes
  • construction noise

Comments we won't accept

We won't take your comment into consideration or publish it if:

  • it contains anything that is racist, defamatory or derogatory
  • the comment is anonymous

How long it takes

You normally have 21 days from the date of publicity to make a comment. If we receive your comment before we make a decision, it will be considered.

If the application will be decided by a Development Control Committee, we'll consider all comments received up to two weeks before the committee meeting.

Other ways to comment

You can:

  • email development.management@bristol.gov.uk
  • write to Development Management, City Hall, Bristol City Council, PO Box 3399, Bristol, BS1 9NE
  • contact your local councillor and send us your comment through them

If you post or email your comment, you must include:

  • the date
  • your name and address
  • the application number
  • the site address

Comments submitted by post or email will have the name and address redacted for public view.

Supporting photographs

You can submit photographs to support your comment.

To submit both your comment and photographs, email development.management@bristol.gov.uk

Photographs submitted must not include personal data, such as car number plates.

Publishing your personal details

If you make a written comment, this must be put on public file by law. This doesn't mean that the information can be reused for any purpose. It means:

  • your comment, name and address will form part of the planning application documents
  • your comment will be published in full on Planning Online

Your full comment will be publicised immediately upon submission.

Your name, address, signature, email address and telephone number will not be publicised.

These details will remain available to the Planning Officer and support staff within Development Management.


We'll consider keeping your personal details private, for example keeping an address confidential if someone is the subject of harassment.

If you want your comment to be kept confidential, write a letter marked Confidential to the Development Management Service Manager.

Comments may still be submitted where no fixed address can be given.

Translation and special requirements

If you would like information on a planning application in a different format, for example:

  • Braille
  • audiotape
  • large print
  • computer disc
  • community languages

contact us on 0117 922 3000.

What happens after you comment

We'll send you an email acknowledging your comment. If you sent us a comment by post and didn't include an email address, wait five days and then contact us to check if we received it.

We won't contact you again until after a decision is made, unless the application is:

We get a lot of comments about planning applications, so we can't enter into individual discussion.

Privacy statement

Read our privacy statement and our pdf Planning Online privacy notice (162 KB)  to see what we do with your personal information.