What you need to include in your application and costs.
at the Planning Portal.
You may also need to make a building regulations application.
Publishing your personal details
Information provided on the application form and accompanying drawings and documents will be made available online. This will include your name and address.
We'll remove your signature, email address and telephone number before publishing your application.
It may be possible for your name and address to be browsed through internet browsers and search engines.
Other ways to apply
You can apply by post. You can get an application form from the Planning Portal website. Send your application to Development Management, City Hall, Bristol City Council, PO Box 3399, Bristol, BS1 9NE
You need to send us two copies of each plan and drawing.
What to include when you make a planning application
You must include:
- signed and dated application form, including relevant certificate of ownership
- site location plan
- site layout plan
- planning fee, or documentation to show why you are exempt from the fee
- plans and drawings
For information on how to present your plans, including what scale to use, look at the pdf plans and drawings guidance document(1.32 MB) .
You can send your supporting documents in PDF format or on CD.
If you've submitted your application electronically, don't send us paper copies. For some applications we might need to have paper copies of the plans, and we may ask you to provide a set of plans.
If you need to pay Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), you'll need to send us the CIL question form, which you can download from the Planning Portal website.
Local list of planning application requirements
You may also need to include other documents with your application.
Look at our pdf local list of planning application requirements(2.38 MB) and pdf site illustration guidance(51 KB) .
Find guidance on Employment and Skills Plans on the Building Bristol website.
We also have guidance to help you make sure your development meets the requirements of the Local Plan.
See the pdf BNG exemption template(222 KB) .
Ownership certificates
You must fill out an ownership certificate. Certificates are included in the application form.
When you download your form from the Planning Portal, there will also be help text. Look at this to find out which certificate to fill out.
If you aren't the sole owner of the land, or if there are agricultural tenants, you'll need to serve or publish a notice:
- pdf notice to be served on individuals when you make a planning permission application(16 KB)
- pdf notice to be published in a local newspaper when you make a planning permission application(16 KB)
- pdf notice to be served on individuals when you make a householder planning application(16 KB)
- pdf notice to be published in a local newspaper when you make a householder planning application(17 KB)
- pdf notice to be served on individuals when you make an application for Listed Building Consent(16 KB)
- pdf notice to be published in a local newspaper when you make an application for Listed Building Consent(16 KB)
Check the help text for information on which notice to use.
Design and Access Statement
You'll need to include a Design and Access Statement if you're applying for:
- a major development
- a development of one or more houses in a conservation area
- a development of at least 100 square metres in a conservation area
- listed building consent
You don't need to include a Design and Access Statement if you're applying for:
- waste development
- engineering or mining operations
- a change of use
Find out what should be included in a Design and Access Statement at GOV.UK.
Register a new address
Find more information on how to register for a new address or make an amendment to an address.
Applications submitted after planning enforcement
For planning applications submitted following a planning enforcement investigation, refer to our pdf Local Enforcement Plan(274 KB) .
Privacy statement
Read our privacy statement and our pdf Development Management: planning and enforcement privacy notice(125 KB) to see what we do with your personal information.