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Look at standards for some types of development and planning documents that we use to help make decisions on planning applications.

Spatial frameworks

These provide detailed guidance about the layout and design of new development in parts of Bristol:

Bristol Temple Quarter Development Framework

The development framework was endorsed by Bristol City Council cabinet in May 2023.  You can read the full document here: 

City Centre Development and Delivery Plan

If you have problems accessing these documents you can email CityCentreDDP@bristol.gov.uk

Supplementary planning documents (SPD)

These have extra detail on policies in the Local Plan:

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)

Urban living

University of Bristol

Policy advice notes (PAN)

These have more details about parts of the Local Plan:

Guidance for meeting the Local Plan

We have guidance to help you make sure your development meets the requirements of the Local Plan.

Affordable Housing

Local Plan standards

Other documents

Public realm strategies

These have extra guidance about the design of streets and spaces in parts of Bristol:

Bristol Tree Replacement Standard

Guidance on the Bristol Tree Replacement Standard can be found in the following documents: