Options to buy an affordable home ownership property
Shared ownership
When you buy a shared ownership property, you use a mortgage to buy a percentage of the property.
You then pay rent on the remaining percentage share, to the housing provider. You'll then be able to buy a bigger stake of the home when you can afford to do so.
Find out about shared ownership schemes on our HomesWest partners websites. Not all are currently advertising shared ownership homes in Bristol.
- Abri Homes Go to https://www.abrihomes.co.uk/ (opens new window)
- Alliance Homes Go to https://sales.alliancehomes.org.uk/shared-ownership/ (opens new window)
- Anchor retirement properties Go to https://www.anchor.org.uk/our-properties/properties-for-sale (opens new window)
- Aster Group Go to https://www.aster.co.uk/sales/developments?mh_matchtype=e&mh_keyword=aster%20shared%20ownership&mh_adgroupid=70439004622&mh_network=g&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvK_7_bHq_QIVzOvtCh0yhA8iEAAYASAAEgJEvvD_BwE (opens new window)
- Brighter Place Go to https://bphomes.co.uk/ (opens new window)s
- Bromford Go to https://findahome.bromford.co.uk/en-GB/findahome/ (opens new window)
- Clarion Housing Go to https://www.myclarionhousing.com/my-community/community-life/news-stories-and-guides/2021/06/22/shared-ownership-explained (opens new window)
- Curo Go to https://www.curo-sales.co.uk/shared-ownership (opens new window)
- Elim Housing Go to https://www.elimhousing.co.uk/finding-a-home/buy-a-home/ (opens new window)
- Extracare retirement properties Go to https://www.extracare.org.uk/living-with-extracare/properties-for-sale/ (opens new window)
- Green Square Accord Go to https://www.greensquareaccord.co.uk/find-a-home/buy-a-home/shared-ownership/ (opens new window)
- Guinness Homes Go to https://www.guinnesshomes.co.uk/ (opens new window)
- Home Reach, Heylo Housing Go to https://www.homereach.org.uk/ (opens new window)
- Housing 21 retirement properties Go to https://www.housing21.org.uk/our-properties/search-our-properties/ (opens new window)
- Legal & General Affordable Homes Go to https://landgah.com/ (opens new window)
- Livewest Go to https://www.livewest.co.uk/find-a-home/shared-ownership (opens new window)
- Places For People Go to https://homestobuy.placesforpeople.co.uk/find-a-home/ (opens new window)
- Sovereign Go to https://www.sovereign.org.uk/looking-for-a-home/buying-a-home (opens new window)
- Stonewater homes Go to https://stonewaterhomes.co.uk/ (opens new window)
Our shared ownership homes.
Read our new build council homes for information on shared ownership homes we are delivering.
First Homes
First Homes is a new scheme designed to help local first-time buyers onto the property ladder.
The homes are offered at a discount of 30% compared to the market price. The discounts will apply to the homes forever.
First Homes properties will be sold by private developers as part of the affordable housing delivered through the development.
You'll need to check if the builder is including First Homes as part of a development. If they are, you must qualify through the eligibility criteria and apply through the builder.
Find information about the First Homes scheme( GOV.UK) Go to https://www.gov.uk/first-homes-scheme (opens new window).
Our First Homes Practice Note shows how we intend to deliver First Homes in the city.
First Homes is not a replacement for Help to Buy.
How to buy a home through the First Homes scheme
For more information on First Homes, email firsthomes@bristol.gov.uk
First Homes developments
There are currently no developments which are advertising First Homes that we're aware of.
When opportunities come through we'll add the information on this page.
Affordable Housing Development Map
Affordable home ownership opportunities in Bristol can be found on our affordable housing development map.
Other government support
Visit ownyourhome.gov.uk for information and other government home ownership schemes.