What community led housing is and the schemes in Bristol.

What community led housing is

Community led housing is where people in the community find solutions to housing needs.

In most cases, community led housing projects are run by local community groups or community land trusts with knowledge of the local area and its housing needs. The community group can form a community land trust to develop new homes and take a role in the ownership and management of them in the long term.

You can find more information about community land trusts on the National Community Land Trust Network Go to http://www.communitylandtrusts.org.uk/what-is-a-clt/about-clts (opens new window) website.

Private organisations can also fund, build or manage community based schemes.

We encourage community led housing projects in Bristol. Email strategyandenabling@bristol.gov.uk for advice if you are interested in starting a project.

Bristol Community Land Trust

Bristol Community Land Trust Go to http://www.bristolclt.co.uk/services (opens new window) (BCLT) is a community land trust that works on some community led housing projects in Bristol.

BCLT was set up to:

  • make sure people have access to affordable homes 
  • benefit a community by providing and managing homes
  • support other community groups with community led housing projects
  • lead by example by developing environmentally sustainable, affordable housing and shared facilities, such as gardens or a communal room

Community led housing in Bristol

Current schemes

The following community led housing schemes are completed or underway.

Merry Hill

Merry Hill Go to https://www.brighterplaces.co.uk/merry-hill/ (opens new window)

BCLT in partnership with Brighter Places Go to https://www.brighterplaces.co.uk/ (opens new window) are developing 50, 1,2,3 and 4 bedrooms homes which will be built to passivhaus standard to reduce energy use and resident heating bills.

They will all be affordable with a mix of shared ownership and affordable rented homes. Future residents have been involved in the build.

325 Fishponds Road

325 Fishponds Road Go to https://www.bristolclt.co.uk/fishponds-rd (opens new window) is a development of 12 homes completed by BCLT in partnership with Brighter Places that are a mix of affordable rent and shared ownership built on land bought from us.

 Astry Close, Lawrence Weston

 Astry Close, Lawrence Weston Go to https://www.ambitionlw.org/planning/community-led-housing-development-astry-close/ (opens new window)

A cleared site in Lawrence Weston, formerly occupied by Council Homes that were no longer fit for purpose, with planning for 36 affordable rent and shared ownership homes.

Led by local community group Ambition Lawrence Weston with Brighter Places. Go to https://www.brighterplaces.co.uk (opens new window) 

Constable Road and Turner Gardens, Lockleaze

Constable Road and Turner Gardens, Lockleaze Go to https://www.lockleazehub.org.uk/community-led-housing (opens new window)

Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust (LNT) are our preferred partner for development of affordable homes on two adjacent sites on Constable Road, Lockleaze though our  pdf Community led Housing Land Disposal Policy(339 KB) .

Lockleaze Loves Homes has been set up as the community land trust to develop and own the homes in the long term.

Planning approval has been granted for 19 affordable homes, including houses and flats with one fully wheelchair accessible.

LNT have also been selected as our preferred partner for a site off Turner Gardens, Lockleaze and are waiting for a decision on their planning application for a scheme of 5 affordable and sustainable SNUG Homes.

Rowlandson Gardens, Lockleaze

Rowlandson Gardens, Lockleaze Go to https://furzecoop.org/ (opens new window)

Furze Co-op are our preferred partner for development of affordable homes at Rowlandson Gardens, Lockleaze through the  pdf Community led Housing Land Disposal Policy(339 KB) .

The scheme of five sustainable affordable homes and communal space is  waiting for planning approval.

Other Community led affordable housing projects supported by us

Work is underway by community organisations to bring forward several sites owned by us through our policy to dispose of sites for Community led Housing. These include the former:

  • Tenants Hall at Barton Hill with Bristol Somali Resource Centre
  • Scout Hut at Woodborough Street, Easton with Nettle Housing Co-op
  • Training Centre at Sea Mills with Bristol Tiny House group

We Can Make, Knowle West

We Can Make Go to https://kwmc.org.uk/projects/wecanmake/ (opens new window) is the community land trust set up by Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC). They are working with us on a pilot project to develop homes on under-used garden “micro-sites” to meet local affordable housing needs. Their first two units have been completed at Novers Lane and Belstone Walk, Knowle West.

We Can Make are working with Black South West Network to bring forward  sites owned by us at Rodfords Mead, Pensford Court and Queens Road car park through our Community-led Housing and Land Disposal Policy.

 Glencoyne Square, Southmead

Glencoyne Square, Southmead Go to https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsouthmead.org%2Fhousing&data=05%7C01%7C%7C707ae2bb6ac44aba05b308db6695eca3%7C6378a7a50f214482aee0897eb7de331f%7C0%7C0%7C638216566317166142%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=eFDUNgQ%2BmrwZ90m8VCMU6PX5q5B00%2BDYbMCc%2FZDTWV8%3D&reserved=0 (opens new window)

Southmead Development Trust Go to https://www.southmead.org/ (opens new window) plan to build up to 300 homes as part of the redevelopment of Glencoyne Square. Local residents and stakeholders were widely consulted to help develop a Wider Masterplan for the area. SDT are working with us  and partners to bring forward the redevelopment of Glencoyne Square.

A planning application for the redevelopment of the Square was approved in 2021. The proposals included 120 homes, health centre and library, live-work accommodation and other community space, together with improved open space.

A further planning application to increase the number of homes in the scheme and change some other elements is currently being considered.

Community led housing policies

Information on our community led housing policies