A nature reserve of a grassy and wooded ridge split by railway cuttings with spectacular views across the city.
The site supports a community orchard plus a variety of semi-natural habitats including scrub, hedgerows, wildflower meadow and woodland.
- Opening hours: Open at all times
- Admission is free
- No public toilets
- Cafe facilities are available during opening hours at nearby St Werburghs City Farm
- Car parking is available on Mina Road, close to the church opposite Lynmouth Road, BS2 9YQ
- Wheelchair/buggy access is very limited due to steep slopes and unsurfaced pathways
We have a map of the Narroways area and walks you can do there:
pdf Narroways map and walks(881 KB)
How do I get there
Narroways is located in St Werburghs, just to the north of inner-city Bristol.
There are pedestrian entrances on Mina Road, Ashley Hill and Boiling Wells Lane.
Mina Road, St Werburghs, BS2 9YQ
Community support
The site is managed by volunteers from the Narroways Millennium Green Trust. The Trust organises regular volunteer workdays, new members are always welcome. Contact narroways@netscape.net
The open space at Narroways was purchased by Bristol City Council in 1997, following a fundraising campaign to protect it from the threat of development.
The site was designated as a Millennium Green in 2000 and leased to the Millennium Green Trust for 999 years. The hill now supports a thriving community of wildlife.
Site status
- Millennium Green
- Site of Nature Conservation Interest
- Local Nature Reserve