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Meadow Bristol is a project that aims to create beauty across the city in a sustainable way by setting up meadows.

We need pollinators for food production and biodiversity. The number of pollinators is in decline for many reasons, including habitat loss. Our meadows act as a food source and a habitat for pollinators.

Pollinating insects include many different species of bees and other insects such as hoverflies, beetles, flies, butterflies and moths.

Find out about the Get Bristol Buzzing project and what you can do to help at the Avon Wildlife Trust website.

Types of meadow

We plant different types of meadow across the city.

Urban annual meadow

These meadows need to be reseeded every year. We'll install these on prominent locations with a low ecological value, like grass verges along the M32. We leave urban meadows uncut in winter for birds to eat.

Urban perennial meadows

We use native and non-native perennial meadows in suitable locations. This is to protect sensitive areas and increase the sustainability of the project. These meadows only need reseeding every three to five years.

Wildflower meadows

We maintain some wildflower meadows in the city. We've worked with nature conservationists and volunteers to add native plants to these meadows to increase species richness.

Information on our approach to wildflower meadow management and the practice of cutting for hay can be found in our pdf wildflower meadow management policy (184 KB) .