Information and core documents from the public inquiry at the former Keynsham Garden Centre, Bath Road, Brislington, Bristol, BS31 2AD.
The Public Inquiry relating to this appeal is due to open on 18 February 2025. We'll publish more details regarding the arrangements when available.
Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/Z0116/W/24/3342877
The appeal was made by Wyevale Bristol Ltd regarding the non-determination of an application for outline planning permission with some matters reserved for:
- demolition of existing buildings
- removal of surface parking
- erection of buildings to accomodate 4,765 square meters of commercial buildings (Flexible Use Class E/B2/B8) with associated bins and bike stores
- associated hard and soft landscaping
- vehicular access from the A4 Bath Road, approval sought for the matters of access
Local Planning Authority Reference: 23/01212/P