Information on how our services can help you such as get a learning assessment, find a place to live and learn new skills.
We try to help people with learning difficulties to look after themselves and to get any other help they need. We want to help them do things and get the most out of life.
We may be able to
- Help you find the right place to live
- Cope with leaving school or children's services and becoming an adult
- Arrange for you to do things during the day. To do things you're good at, or to try new activities, learn new skills and meet new people. This is called Day Services.
- Help you to find training or a job.
Sometimes you and the person who looks after you might need a break from being with each other. We may be able to arrange a short break. This might be for a few hours or a few days. This is called Respite Care.
How to find out if we can help
We'll need to meet you, or talk to you by telephone.
This gives us the chance to find out what you want and need. Your parents, partner or anyone else looking after you can also meet or talk to us.
This is called an assessment. There is a waiting list for an assessment. After it's done we'll tell you if we can help and what we can do.
We have leaflets about our services for adults with learning difficulties.
pdf Leaflet about our services for people with learning difficulties(120 KB)
What we write about you
When we work with you we write about your needs and the help you are getting. We may have to write down other things about your situation.
What we write is called your records. Your records might be kept on paper or on a computer.
We have clear rules about who can see your records. You have the right to see them. Ask your worker if you would like to see your records.
How to contact us
Contact our Care Direct service.
What to do if things go wrong: complaints
You can complain if:
- you think Health and Social Care is not giving you the help that has been agreed
- things go wrong
- you feel something is not right
Find out more about complaints
Jobs and training
We Work for Everyone
If you are looking for work and have a learning disability, learning difficulty or are autistic, we can help.
Our dedicated Employment Navigators can support you to find a way into paid work.
Web: We Work For Everyone
Tel: 0117 922 3330
Preparing for adulthood
If youre over 14 and under 25, you can find information and advice on the Bristol SEND Local Offer websiteto help you make important choices about education, work, training and apprenticeships.
For advice and information about Benefits, keeping well, housing, education and jobs.
Freephone: 0808 808 1111 (10am to 4pm Monday to Friday)
National Forum of people with learning difficulties
This website tells you all about the National Forum for people with learning difficulties. It's a useful site covering what's going on nationally and in the South West.
Day centres and services
Bristol Community Links can offer support to adults with learning disabilities.
Bristol has a number of clubs providing social and recreational activities for people with learning difficulties. They can be a good way of building friendships, confidence and skills. Often these are Gateway clubs with past or current connections to Mencap. Volunteers run these clubs and the organisers are always pleased to here from people who may wish to help.
If you're involved in a club for people with learning difficulties and you'd like the details listed here please let us know.
Clifton Gateway Club
Redland Reformed United Church, Redland
Meets on Tuesdays, between 7 to 9pm
Telephone Clare Uden on 0117 983 3138
Dame Emily Gateway Club
Ebenezer Church, British Road, Bedminster
Meets on alternate Mondays, between 7.30 to 9.30pm
Telephone Sally Davis on 0117 983 2602
Stepping Out
This is a mental health theatre group and is open to people who have used mental health services and their allies. Visit Stepping Out Theatre Go to (opens new window) for more information.
Plan for buying services
pdf Read the plan about buying services for people with learning difficulties(2.16 MB)
This plan explains how we will make sure:
- people with learning difficulties have the same choice and control in their lives as everyone else
- family carers are able to choose to provide support themselves or to use other services