The Bristol Direct Payment Account (BDPA) helps you to manage the direct payments you get for your care and support.

What is a Bristol Direct Payment Account (BDPA)

The BDPA helps you manage the direct payments you receive for your care and support. The account should make it easier for you, your carers and us to manage direct payments.

The BDPA works like a normal bank account. When your BDPA is activated, we'll pay the direct payments into this account so you can arrange and pay for your own care and support as identified in your support plan.

You'll need to keep the receipts for anything you buy. This is so we can audit your BDPA and check it's working well. 

How to use the BDPA

A debit card comes with the account. You can use the card to pay for services: 

  • in person, using Chip and PIN 
  • by Standing Order or Direct Debit 
  • over the internet, by bank transfer, or by telephone

You can check your account balance online, by text message or by phone. Paper statements are also available.

You will not get a cheque book with your account.

BDPA factsheets

Translated documents

Benefits of using a BDPA

  • You don't need to open a separate bank account because we'll do this for you.
  • It cuts down on paperwork.
  • You don't have to send us regular evidence of your spending because it's all shown in the account. You do need to keep your receipts.
  • It's a secure and easy way to pay for your care.
  • You have more choice in how you pay for your care and support, including online banking, paying by Direct Debit or Standing Order, or by using the card.
  • Any previous credit restrictions you may have will not prevent you from having a BDPA.

How to get a BDPA

After your Care Act assessment your allocated care practitioner will talk to you about the options for meeting your care and support needs. They'll talk to you about the BDPA in more detail.

If you already get care and support from us and you'd like to have a BDPA:

  • call 0117 9222 700
  • talk to your allocated care practitioner

pdfEasy read leaflet about Bristol Direct Payment Account (pdf, 693 KB)

Get help to manage your direct payments