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Types of loans and grants and how much you can get.

Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)

A DFG can be used for disabled or older residents to:

  • adapt their home to continue living independently 
  • find more suitable accommodation if they can't adapt their current home

Who can get a DFG

To get a DFG you must:

  • be a homeowner or private tenant 
  • have an occupational therapy assessment that recommends an adaptation to your home

How much you'll get

You could get up to £30,000, depending on the work that you need. The occupational therapy assessment will recommend what work needs to be done.

This grant is means tested under DFG legislation.

You can still apply for a DFG, but you may have to contribute towards the cost of works. If this is the case, we will discuss this with you at the time.

Local land registry

We'll register the grant with the local land registry if you:

  • own and live in your property 
  • get a grant for more than £5,000

If the property is sold within 10 years of the works being completed, we may ask you to repay some of the grant.

Discretionary Adaptation Assistance (DAA) grant

The Discretionary Adaptation Assistance (DAA) grant can be used if:

  • the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) isn't enough to pay for the works you need
  • you need works that aren't covered under a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG), such as:
    • adapting or repairing your home so it's safe for you to live in when you're discharged from hospital 
    • cleaning or clearing your home so it's safe for you to live in when you're discharged from hospital, or for us to make further adaptations
    • getting adaptation works done quickly for a terminally ill person
    • repairing adaptations that are already in the property
  • personal circumstances or tenure of property does not meet the valid application eligibility under the DFG legislation

Who can get a Discretionary Adaptation Assistance (DAA) grant 

To get a DAA you must have: 

  • an occupational therapy assessment, or a WE Care referral for cleaning and clearing
  • savings of less than £23,250

How much you can get

This will depend on the type of work and your personal circumstances. We'll speak to you about this when you're referred to us.

Local land registry

We will register the grant with the local land registry if you:

  • own and live in your property
  • get a grant for more than £5,000

If the property is sold within five years of the works being completed, we may ask you to repay some of the grant.

Disabled Facilities Loan

You can get a Disabled Facilities Loan if you:

  • own your home
  • already have a Disabled Facilities grant (DFG) or a Discretionary Adaptation Assistance (DAA) grant but need extra money to do the works

How much you can get

The maximum loan available is £20,000. The interest rates are 0%.

Conditions of the loan

If you sell your property, you'll have to pay back any outstanding balance on the loan.

The term of the loan can be between 1 and 15 years, depending on how much you can afford to pay back each month.

Apply for a disabled adaption grant or loan 

Apply for a grant or loan

Minor adaptations grant

A minor adaptations grant is available to owner occupiers and private tenants to enable a disabled or older person to continue to live independently.

The maximum grant available is £1,500 per property.

Referrals must come to the Accessible Homes team via Care Direct Service in most cases, except for requests for key safes.

All works above £1,500 will need to be submitted via the standard DFG process above.

Works, once agreed, will be completed by our Technician Service or linked contractor.

How to apply

You should contact Care Direct by ringing 0117 922 2700 or by completing the Adult Care Referral Form.

Feasibility grant

A feasibility grant can be used:

  • if you need to get a structural survey done for more complex disabled adaptations 
  • to investigate other options so you get the most suitable adaptation

The maximum grant available is £2,000 per property.

How to apply

The Occupational Therapist or Accessible Homes Officer will talk to you about how you can apply for this grant.

Stairlift removal

We'll consider removing a stairlift in your property if it was installed by us in the last five years.

If a stairlift is removed, we'll make sure we leave the staircase in a good condition. 

How to apply

Call us on 0117 903 7292 or email accessible.homes@bristol.gov.uk 

Financial assistance for private landlords

We offer loans to private landlords to help with necessary improvements to meet licensing standards or to improve energy efficiency, in privately rented properties. See the  pdf Financial Assistance Schedule (567 KB) .