Why relationships matter and online resources for relationship support for parents and co-parents
Why relationships matter
Relationship quality is an important factor in all families whether you are an extended family, adopted family, step family, same sex family or grandparent family.
Conflict in relationships is part of everyday life but conflict which is frequent, intense and poorly resolved can lead to distressed relationships and have harmful effects on children.
Healthy relationships for parents
If you're a Bristol resident you can access three online courses to help promote quality relationships from OnePlusOne Go to https://www.oneplusone.org.uk/parents (opens new window):
- Me, You and Baby Too, for new and expectant parents
- Arguing Better, for parents or carers who want help with stress or arguing
- Getting It Right for Children, for separating or separated parents
You'll need to register on OnePlusOne Go to https://www.oneplusone.org.uk/parents (opens new window) with your name and email to see the courses. The courses are free of charge.
Me, You and Baby Too
Becoming parents can change your relationship. Tiredness and stress associated with parenthood can lead to you and your partner misunderstanding each other.
This course can help you improve communication skills and manage conflict better. It has videos to help couples navigate the transition to parenthood.
Arguing Better
This course will help you understand the impact of parental arguments on children and how to argue in a constructive way.
Getting it right for children
This course helps parents develop effective ways to co-operate after separation.
When parents separate, it's easy for children to get caught in the middle of their disagreements.
Family hub: parent courses
Additional online parent courses aimed at parents of all ages including material for children and young people and a course on understanding your relationships can be found in the catalogue on the family hub website Parent courses.
Understanding your relationships is for you if you are:
- Feeling like you are constantly arguing and not being heard
- Hoping to enhance your parenting and family relationships
- Seeking a change in your personal or professional relationships
- Interested in emotional wellbeing and deepening your understanding of yourself and others
Information cards
Getting on Better cards
These nine Getting on Better cards are for parents who are together or separated. They may help you to think about your relationship and how you can communicate better or deal with conflict more effectively.
- pdf Stages and changes of relationships (416 KB)
- pdf Arguments are like fire (871 KB)
- pdf Conflict styles (288 KB)
- pdf The magic ratio (373 KB)
- pdf Communicate better (250 KB)
- pdf Harmful and helpful arguments (157 KB)
- pdf Child roles: for separated parents (311 KB)
- pdf Parent roles: for separated parents (318 KB)
- pdf Small gestures (4.16 MB)
Email relationshipsmatter@bristol.gov.uk if you want these Getting on Better cards in Polish, Somali, and Arabic.
See it Differently
See it Differently Go to https://www.seeitdifferently.org/ (opens new window) has videos that highlight the damaging impact parental conflict can have on children.
Relation Kit
Relation Kit Go to https://relationkit.co.uk/videos/ (opens new window) has videos and support to help you do things differently.
Click Go to https://click.clickrelationships.org/home/all-issues/ (opens new window) have free, expert relationship advice and a supportive community to discuss relationship issues with
Relate offer help and advice, including the free AI tool chat to the RelateBot to facilitate clearer communication for couples and co-parents.
Advice on handling arguments
Advice on handling arguments Go to https://www.relate.org.uk/get-help?theme[38]=38 (opens new window)includes bite size information, videos and tools to help you think about how and why arguments start, dealing with the moment and after.
Relationships and caring for a child with special educational needs or disabilities
Contact is a charity that runs a free advice and information helpline for parents and carers with disabled children aged from birth to 25, living in any part of the UK.
Contact has produced a page on the website Looking after your relationship to offer guidance to parents and carers on healthy relationships and the impact caring for a child with SEND can have on family harmony.
There is also a useful guide accessible on the Contact website: free relationships and caring for a disabled child guide Go to https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcontact.org.uk%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F03%2Frelationships_guide.pdf&data=05%7C01%7C%7C801884fcd0b6473ec8f708db0db627fe%7C6378a7a50f214482aee0897eb7de331f%7C0%7C0%7C638118848260466316%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=ySzu%2BZlCVkS3SIcX2wVqwKm1HJuvPMGhIrPJJH5LqBk%3D&reserved=0 (opens new window).
Useful apps
- Gottman cards deck app Go to https://www.gottman.com/couples/apps/ (opens new window) The Gottman Institute, a research-based approach to relationships
- Between Us app Go to https://www.betweenus-app.com/ (opens new window) Tavistock Relationships, designed to help you have a better relationship with your partner now or in the future
- Baby Buddy app Go to https://www.bestbeginnings.org.uk/baby-buddy (opens new window) Best Beginings, an interactive pregnancy and parenting app