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What is the Bristol Local Offer

We must provide up to date and usable information for children and young people with SEND and their families. You can find the legal requirements in:

The Local Offer:

  • is for parents, carers, children, young people, practitioners and professionals
  • includes information on services available to everybody, such as schools and children's healthcare
  • includes information on short term  support and services for children and young people without an Educational, Health and Care plan
  • includes information on specialist services and longer term specialised support for children with SEND
  • must be provided in other formats for people who can't access the website 

Find out more on our Local Offer page.

Where you can find the Bristol Local Offer

In Bristol, you can find out about the support available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities on the SEND Local Offer. This replaces the Findability website.

If you haven't got internet access at home, Find a library provide free computer and internet access, as well as free wifi.

Tell us what you think using the Feedback form.  

Who we work with

We're committed to developing the Bristol Local Offer through co-production. 
We work with:

  • parents and carers
  • children and young people
  • early years providers 
  • schools and colleges
  • health partners
  • voluntary and community organisations

Our key partners are:

How we gather feedback

We must gather feedback yearly on the range and quality of support on offer.
We gather feedback by:

  • using the feedback form on the Local Offer site.
  • going out to meet groups of children, young people, and parents and carers. 
  • talking about to specific service teams about feedback relevant to them
  • the SEND survey for parents, carers and young people 

This helps inform and shape the future development of the Bristol Local Offer.

We publish your comments and our responses on the Bristol Local Offer site at least once a year.

See what we've done in response to previous feedback.

Give feedback on Bristol's Local Offer

We'd like to hear your  feedback about:

  • specific services you've used
  • how we could improve the Local Offer
  • information or services that  are missing
  • how easy or hard it is to use the Local Offer site   

Send us feedback

Our Local Offer for professionals

On the Bristol SEND Local Offer website, professionals who work with children and families in Bristol can find:

  • SEND forms and guidance for Education, Health and Care assessment requests and annual reviews
  • documents that help you deliver your statutory duties for organisations that work with and support children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities.