What the physical activity referral scheme is, how it can help you and how you can get referred.
This is an introduction to physical activity to
- improve your health and wellbeing
- help you achieve the Department of Health's recommendation of 150 minutes of physical activity a week
It's a 12 week scheme where you visit a participating leisure centre or gym at least twice a week.
You'll get a personalised exercise programme with a trained referral instructor, based around your health conditions and what you'd like to achieve, even if you haven't exercised before.
Who the scheme is for
You can do the scheme if you
- are currently inactive
- are not a member of a leisure centre
- you have a low or medium risk health condition
- you are ready to start participating in physical activity
How it works
At your first session, you'll meet your referral instructor at one of the venues listed below. They'll do a health check with you where you can discuss any preferences or concerns you have or ask them any questions.
The instructor will plan a personalised programme for you and give you an induction on how to use any gym equipment you'll use for your plan.
Activities are mainly gym based exercise but may include other activities like swimming and light circuit training, depending on the leisure centre you go to.
You'll meet your instructor during week 3, 6 and 12 of your programme. In week 3, you'll have an informal chat about how your programme is going. At weeks 6 and 12, you'll also have a health check to track your progress.
When you've completed the scheme, make an appointment with your doctor, nurse or health care practitioner to discuss:
- your results
- your health condition
- how to continue exercising and stay active after you finish the scheme
How to get a referral
Ask your doctor, practice nurse, physiotherapist or hospital consultant if you're suitable to do the scheme.
If you are, your doctor or practice nurse needs to fill in this Everyone Active referral form for Easton, Henbury, Horfield or St Paul's leisure centres.
For all others send a pdf referral form(69 KB) to the instructor at your chosen leisure centre or gym. The instructor will contact you within two weeks to arrange your first appointment.
How much it costs
The cost will depend on which centre you go to, but it is less than the standard membership or entry fee to the venues. Contact the venues listed below to find out the cost and times before you ask for a referral.
Some venues offer discounted memberships for people who've completed the 12 week scheme.
You can bring someone with you, such as a friend or family member. They pay the same reduced entry fee as you for the sessions.
Where you can do it
You can find out more about the classes and facilities at each centre and where your doctor or nurse sends your referral form to:
Brunel Fitness Centre
Exercise / GP Referral Scheme
Speedwell Road, Speedwell, BS15 1NU
Contact either:
- Bristol@almsport.co.uk or call 0117 377 0098
Easton Leisure Centre
Exercise Referral Scheme
Thrissell Street, Easton, BS5 0SW
Contact either:
- Alistair MacFarlane at alistairmacfarlane@everyoneactive.com or 07825 033 741
- Colin Simpson colinsimpson@everyoneactive.com or 0117 903 8600 / 0117 903 8000
Elite Sports Centre Kingsdown
Medical Referral Form
Kingsdown, Portland St, Bristol BS2 8HL.
Contact: Miri Vogler at Mirivogler@elitesportsuk.com
Greenway Centre
Exercise on Referral
Doncaster Road, Southmead, BS10 5PY
Contact either:
- Joel Davies, Fitness and Wellbeing manager, at joeldavies@southmead.org
- Kurtis Walters, Exercise Referral Specialist, at kurtiswalters@southmead.org
- The shared mailbox at: fitness@southmead.org
Henbury Leisure Centre
Exercise Referral Scheme
Avonmouth Way, Henbury, BS10 9NG
Contact either:
- Alistair MacFarlane at alistairmacfarlane@everyoneactive.com or call: 07825 033 741
- Tracy Charles at tracycharles@everyoneactive.com or call: 0117 353 2550
Hengrove Park Leisure Centre
Steps to Health GP Referral Programme
The Boulevard, Hengrove Park, BS14 0JZ
Contact: Kurtis at hengrove.referral@parkwood-leisure.co.uk or call: 0117 937 0200
Horfield Leisure Centre
Exercise Referral Scheme
Dorian Road, Horfield, BS7 0XW
Contact either:
- Alistair MacFarlane at alistairmacfarlane@everyoneactive.com or call: 07825 033 741
- Colin Simpson at colinsimpson@everyoneactive.com or call: 0117 903 1643 ex 45005
Imperial Sports Ground
Sports and Gym Facilities
West Town Lane, Bristol BS14 9EA.
Call: 0117 903 8681 or email: reception@imperialsportsground.co.uk
St Pauls Community Sports Academy
Exercise Referral Scheme
Newfoundland Road, St Pauls, BS2 9NH
Contact either:
- Alistair MacFarlane at alistairmacfarlane@everyoneactive.com or call: 07825 033 741
- Emily Osborne at emilyosborne@everyoneactive.com or call: 0117 3773405
The Park Sports Centre
What's On
Daventry Road, Knowle, BS4 1DQ
Contact: Matt Farr at matt.farr@theparkcentre.org.uk or call: 0117 903 9770