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We understand that referring yourself or someone else can be overwhelming. We aim to make the process as easy as possible.

Bristol Drugs Project: Youth Team

The Youth Team at Bristol Drugs Project  supports young people living in Bristol who use drugs or alcohol.

They work with young people aged 11 to 19 years, or up to 24 if they have a learning difficulty or disability.

The team also offers support to young people who are concerned about a family member who uses drugs or alcohol.

They aim to help young people deal with problems early, before they experience a greater level of harm.

Contact the BDP Youth team:

Developing Health and Independence (DHI)

Transition services

DHI provide support to gradually move from the young people's substance use service to the adult one. It recognises the differences in how these services are provided and the impact that a sudden shift can have on young people accessing support.

Young People's Substance Misuse Treatment Service

The Young People's Specialist Substance Misuse Treatment Service provides support for people under 18 who:

  • use drugs or alcohol
  • have additional mental health needs alongside their substance use

To speak to a member of staff or to make a referral, call 0117 342 5729.

Drugs and Young People's Project (DYPP)

The Drugs and Young People's Project provides support for people under 18 who:

  • have a social worker
  • use drugs or alcohol themselves
  • or are affected by a parent or carer's drug or alcohol use

They also support some young people who are working with Families in Focus.

Call 0117 377 2997.

National Associations

The National Association of Children of Alcoholics is a charity in Bristol.

Alateen hold online or in-person meetings for 12- to 17-year-olds to help them understand alcoholism and support each other in a safe, supervised environment and support each other in a safe, supervised environment.