Details of licensed accessible taxis in Bristol.

List of pdf wheelchair accessible taxis that are licensed in Bristol (236 KB) .

This is list has been put together under Section 165 of the Equality Act 2010.

All Hackney carriage vehicles in Bristol are able to take wheelchairs.

Taxi drivers must carry wheelchair passengers and assistance dogs, unless they have an exemption. 

If they have an exemption, they will have:

  • an exemption certificate in the vehicle
  • a yellow card in the vehicle windscreen  

These Hackney Carriage taxi drivers have allowed us to publish their contact details and are happy to help with accessible transport

Hackney Carriage taxi drivers happy to help with accessible transport
VehicleDriver or ownerPhone
Volkswagen Caddy Mr Mohammed Islam 07727 179 013
Volkswagen Caddy Mr Hussain Ahmed Pir 07863 826 768
Peugeot Partner Tepee Mr Abdul Azad Waris 07833 463 010

This information is being reviewed as part of a wider review of Accessible taxis in Bristol.