Changes to Bristol Bridge, Baldwin Street and Union Street
What we're doing, access and alternatives routes, consultations and future plans.
Joint local transport plan 2020 to 2036
Our work with other local authorities on the next Joint Local Transport Plan.
What Metrobus is and how to find more information.
Traffic monitoring
What we do, how you can ask for data and how much it costs.
Traffic signs
New direction signs, temporary signs, street name plates and parking restriction signs.
Road safety plans
Bristol's ten year road safety plan and vision for road safety.
Park Row improvements
What we're doing, when the work will start.
Transport corridors
What are transport corridors, why they are being built, and which are the transport corridor projects in Bristol.
East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood
About East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood, where it is, the project trial and bus gates and exemptions.