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Swing bridge contact information, opening times and procedures for Bristol Harbour.

Prince Street Swing Bridge

If you need Prince Street Bridge opened then please contact us at least 12 hours in advance.

Prince Street Bridge is normally opened once an hour.

It opens between 9.30 am to 7.15 pm.

The water level is usually between 0.0m and 0.1m above harbour datum, but can be up to 0.5m above.

You should check the gauge boards, which are on bridge abutments, before passing under the bridge.

Redcliffe Bridge and Pero's Bridge

These bridges require special arrangements and so you'll need to contact us to arrange any opening.

Swing bridges in Cumberland Basin

Contact our Docking Team at the Watch House, on the south side of the Entrance Lock to arrange the swinging of these bridges.

Plimsoll swing bridge

The Plimsoll swing bridge is just after the Entrance Lock

Plimsoll swing bridge clearance: 5.8 metres above harbour level and 5.9 metres (mean high water springs)

Harbour notice 27/17is in effect for using this bridge.

Junction Swing Bridge (Merchants Road)

This swing bridge is just over the Junction Lock.

Junction swing bridge clearance: 2.5 metres above harbour level

Times we don't open the Cumberland Basin swing bridges

The Plimsoll and Junction bridges can't be opened Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays) between 7.30am to 9am and 4.30pm to 6pm.

We might need to keep the bridges closed 30 minutes either side of these times as road traffic has priority.

Contact information

Harbour Office

Underfall Yard
Cumberland Road
Bristol, BS1 9NE

Email: harbour.office@bristol.gov.uk
Phone: 0117 903 1484

VHF Radio

Channel 73, call sign Bristol Floating Harbour.

Opening Hours

Open for general enquiries, licensing and commodities daily (except Christmas Day) as follows:

Summer (BST)

Harbour Office: Monday to Sunday, 08.30am to 4.30pm
Emergency Service: Duty Officers are on call between 07.30am and 10.00pm

Winter (GMT)

Harbour Office: Monday to Sunday, 10am to 3pm
Emergency Service: Duty Officers are on call between 9am and 5pm