This page has both national and Bristol guidance documents relating to the education of children in care, plus The HOPE's specific policies and procedures.
National guidance documents
- Promoting the education of looked after and previously looked after children (guidance for Local Authorities) Go to (opens new window), Department for Education, February 2018
- Improving the attainment of looked after children in primary schools, Department for Education (DCSF 2009)
- Improving the attainment of looked after children in secondary schools, Department for Education (DCSF 2009)
- The designated teacher for looked after children and previously looked after children Go to (opens new window), Department for Education, February 2018
- Looked after children: good practice in schools Go to (opens new window), National Archives (Ofsted 2008)
- Supporting looked-after learners: a practical guide for school governors Go to (opens new window), National Archives (DCSF 2006)
- Care Planning, Placements and Case Review Regulations, National Archives (DCSF 2010)
- Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage Go to (opens new window), Department for Education
Bristol guidance documents
- document Attendance plan for CiC example(36 KB)
- pdf Induction and leaving processes for children in care(299 KB)
- pdf Model confidential school file for CiC(188 KB) , template of what a school's file for a CiC should contain
- pdf Model policy for CiC for schools(144 KB) , intended as a template for primary schools to adapt according to their own circumstances
- pdf Principles for administering Bursary funds for CiC/care leavers(418 KB)
- pdf Early Years policy for CiC(418 KB) (Redcliffe Children's Centre has given us permission to share their school policy)
- pdf FE policy on supporting young people in care or care leavers(45 KB) (St Brendan's Sixth Form College have given permission to share their policy)
- pdf When a child comes into care(186 KB) , guidance for schools on social care processes when a child comes into local authority care
- Guidance for Bristol City Council social workers is available on The Source Go to (opens new window), Bristol City Council's intranet