Find out about and download transition packs for autistic children and young people.
These autism transition packs have information and resources to support children and young people on the autism spectrum, who are moving to a different education setting in September 2020.
There are four sets of transition packs based on age. Each set has:
- Bristol Autism Team transition plan
- resources for professionals
- signposting information for parents and professionals
The current Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) should complete the transition plan with the new SENCO and parents and carers. It's good to start planning for transition as soon as possible. If you're unable to meet physically due to restrictions, you may be able to have a virtual meeting.
Someone from the Bristol Autism team can attend the meeting if the child or young person is registered with them.
Email to arrange.
If the child or young person is not registered with the Bristol Autism Team, the team can provide informal advice.
Signposting for all ages of transition
Signposting information for professionals:
- Autism Education Trust: resources including the autism standards and competency framework for early years, school age and post 16
Signposting information for parents:
- Autism Education Trust: tools and resources to support your child or young person in education
- National Autistic Society: advice and support to help during key life transitions, such as changing school
- find out what support your child can get in school in our Local Offer guide
Transition packs based on age
Early years to reception
Transition plan for SENCOs
document Transition plan for pupils moving from early years to reception(79 KB)
Bristol Autism Team resources for SENCOs:
Infant to junior school
Transition plan for SENCOs
document Transition plan for pupils moving from an infant to a separate junior school(80 KB)
Bristol Autism Team resources for SENCOs:
- document One page profile examples(313 KB)
- document Social stories(484 KB)
- document Who can I speak to if, examples(49 KB)
Primary to secondary school
Transition plan for SENCOs
document Transition plan for primary to secondary school(76 KB)
Bristol Autism Team resources for SENCOs:
- document Getting ready for secondary school: practical ideas for pupils(37 KB)
- document One Page Profile examples(313 KB)
- document Social stories(476 KB)
- document Who can I speak to if(49 KB)
Secondary to Post 16
Transition plan for SENCOs
document Transition plan for secondary to post 16(79 KB)