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What a fostering friendly employer is and how to become one.

A fostering friendly employer is an organisation or business that helps employees who are foster carers or who want to become foster carers.

This help could include having policies that offer foster carers flexible working or paid time off for:

  • child care training
  • fostering-related meetings
  • settling a new child into their home

How to become a fostering friendly employer

Visit the Foster Network website.

They can provide you with a template for a fostering friendly HR policy.

Being a fostering friendly employer in Bristol

If you become a fostering friendly organisation in Bristol you can sign up and commit to:

  • promoting your fostering friendly status
  • supporting staff who are, or want to be, foster carers
  • taking part in Foster Care Fortnight and other fostering campaigns

This will help us increase the number of foster carers in Bristol and meet the needs of children in care.

As more businesses and organisations sign up and gain their fostering friendly status we'll list  them here.

To be listed email: Vibeke.kristensen-white@bristol.gov.uk

Foster friendly employers

These are the foster friendly employers in Bristol.

  • Bristol City Council
  • City of Bristol College
  • KETL Limited
  • Hargreaves Lansdown
  • St Brendan's Sixth Form College